I'm actually offended, [@BrokenPromise]. I'm not a shady assassin IRL? Did you ever wonder where your braincells started going? How they just kept disappearing? I removed them in a rather discreet manner, via shitposts. But I guess it's also a compliment to my ability to not blow my cover, so I'll let it slide. Since Broken forced me into this conversation, I'll go ahead and give my two cents on [@GeekFactor]'s post, the same one Broken replied to. Just because it seemed fun, I don't want to catch hands or anything. I would parrot what broken responded with, but I'll try to go into more detail about why exactly I don't understand. A difference in quality between a book you've bought and some roleplay on this website is to be expected. You wouldn't log into Omegle to have an intellectually stimulating conversation like you would if you joined a Rick and Morty discord group, right? But that does not mean the requirements (feel this is a bit too strong of a word but whatever) for characters should be altered in anyway. Roleplaying, to me, has always simply meant to write a collaborative story, typically with a prompt (setting). So a co-op book, and though I don't jump into a roleplay expecting Stephen King or an author of good caliber to be there, I also don't expect people to play their OCs any different than they would a character in a book. It's never the difference between the author and the creator's gender that causes me to lose immersion. It's always the terrible writing, which is its own thing in my opinion. Do me a favor and pretend that I put "in my opinion" at the end of just about anything there, as my word is unfortunately not law. Also, talking about people being a bit too 'verbose' with their posts is just calling me out. Only it's worse because I've mastered the art of saying "she's an assassin, she has killed people before" into multiple paragraphs, many different ways, for absolutely no reason and I'm confident that nobody reads anything other than the highlighted, colored text of the dialogue because of this. Also also, [@BrokenPromise] if that last line of yours was a subtle jab at me, then how about this [hider=My Hider] no u [/hider]