[center][hr][hr] [img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmY1NjgzMi5SSEpoSjJ0aGJDQlRhR1Z5YjIwLC4wAAAAAAAA/sf-distant-galaxy.regular.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/qTtQNXJ.png[/img] [b][color=f26522]Location:[/color] [color=fff79a]Mandalore, Jedi Enclaves[/color][/b] [b][color=f26522]Mentions:[/color] [@Alfhedil] [color=a187be](Solace)[/color][/b] [hr][hr] [/center] Dra'kal nodded silently as he proceeded to follow Solace into the temple. Other than a quick greeting to any who asked - let alone noticed - him, not a word emerged from the kaleesh's mouth. He was more concentrated regarding the environment around him, like a hunter observing the pasture for as far as the eye could see. His tirbal spirit had never left him completely, even after years of adapting to a more metropolitan life style. He'd never gotten completely used to the city-life truthfully. He missed traversing the vast wilderness and the thrill of an exhilarating hunt back on Kalee; with his life now replaced by static metal jungles and the boredom of convenience. It's only a few reasons as to why he'd never live in any galactic city. At least Ord Mantell supplied a decent geography for one to explore. And at least it retains some of her elemental purity. Mandalore, in that respect, pales in comparison. As they enter the front courtyard, Dra'kal could begin to decipher the row of murals the flanked their approach. It appeared to represent the history of the new jedi order, from its rise, to its destruction, and its rise again. It reminded the Kaleesh of a story his tribal elder had once told him. The Tale of the [i]Starbird[/i] - a creature that when it seemed to be dead, could resurrect itself in the heart of a dying star, becoming reborn out of the resulting supernova. And amongst the personnel represented in the mural, there was one figure that the Kaleesh could recognize. Dra'kal stood still as he inspected the engraved being - a long haired man wielding a green lightsaber who lead his jedi brethren and sistren against seemingly overwhelming odds. Whilst he hadn't met this person in the flesh, nor his name at the time, live footage of the Coruscanti Temple Raid had reached his home planet and, amongst all the rubble, that jedi had always remained the spotlight of the battle. A true hero. Only once he joined the Inquisition was he told of his identity. [b][color=f26522]"This man,"[/color][/b] Dra'kal remarked as he pointed to the figure in green, [b][color=f26522]"I recognize him. Cin Drallig, correct?"[/color][/b] The diplomat confirmed this as she proceeded to talk of the jedi master's legacy and how he defended the temple against even the harshest resistance. From surviving waves of battle droids, to two separate turbolaser bombardments, the resilient jedi master refused to surrender any ground belonging to the last bastion of the jedi. He was an immovable object against what essentially was an unstoppable force. Or that was the case until Grievous ordered the entire block to be erased from orbit... and later the entire planet. A ripple of pure anger wavered through Dra'kal's body. Even the mentioning of his name was enough to trigger painful memories of what had become of him. He struggled to restrain himself from going into a frenzy, with only his fists shaking violently in place. He recalled the last footage of the battle focus in on the hundred of thousands of dark specks in the sky, looming ominously in orbit. Panicked cries and screams to terror emanated from the masses below, before a blinding wave of red and green lights collided with the surface and the footage ceasing into static just moments later. Taking a deep breath, the kaleesh managed to keep himself calm as he continued following the diplomat into the "Imperial Room". Solace mentioned how her colleague was excited to hear the arrival of the holocron that Dra'kal was carrying onboard. [b][color=f26522]"The Imperium had tried to open it for years."[/color][/b] the kaleesh explained bluntly, [b][color=f26522]"They've always boasted in housing the best experts in the galaxy... but alas, not even they could open this perplexing case. Thus they turned to your order for assistance, although even they seem to doubt in your capabilities."[/color][/b] Once they entered the room, Dra'kal was guided to sit in the center of the room and reveal the sith holocron. The kaleesh nodded before reaching into his robe and revealing it enwrapped in its curdely clothed sarcophagus. Using the force, he unraveled the casing to reveal the [url=https://yt3.ggpht.com/a/AGF-l7-pTJV3j5aLjLamsefo70qCs7aPmtHVdMcYTQ=s900-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo]object's black and gold design illuminated by a harsh crimson glow[/url] before placing it on the table in front of Solace.