[h3]Rhaeyla's Turn | Init: 8[/h3] [b]HP[/b] 10/10 | Status: None [hr] The moment she'd spotted the group ahead -- more winged kobolds among them -- Rhaeyla knew immediately that she had made a mistake. The one she had allowed to flee would know they were traveling with children, would have seen how some of them fought, would want to avenge its slain comrades. If it were to alert the others... There were countless scenarios that played in her head, but she knew better than to dwell on things that have or could happen. If she wanted to correct her mistake, she must focus on the next right thing she can do. How can she best keep the others and herself safe? Caw, Vaal, and Cassandra were the first to push forward, sticking to the shadows, their movements deft and silent. Rhaeyla followed their cue, creeping after Magdar. They moved together in an almost synchronized manner, at least until Magdar stumbles forward one step, his foot catching on something. Her heart all but galloped out of her chest at the low noise he made, and her hand instinctively reached for the staff affixed to her back. It hadn't been too loud to have alerted everyone, but it was still a sound that echoed through the otherwise silent night. Rhaeyla held her breath for what seemed like minutes, whole body tense and dread filling her stomach. She stayed rooted on the spot and waited, bracing for the worse. But nothing happened. Relieved, Magdar pressed forward until he reached Cassandra, and Rhaeyla followed suit, moving slightly clumsier after the scare. Behind her, Sebastian led Surina and her charges across to the oppsite side, slinking through the shadows with nary a sound. [hider=Turn Summary] Rhaeyla rolls an [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/17601]11[/url] for stealth and moves behind Magdar. [/hider]