[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/GwRIsVY.png[/img] [h2][b]Jack[/b][/h2] [i]"Beantown" (Workshop), Shinto Town[/i] [@Cu Chulainn][/center] Oh? There was a party going on, apparently. Sad. Jack wanted to go. Mr. Tree would probably have a great time there! But, they'd already made plans for the evening. Mr. Tree had to roll around in the dirt a little bit, and Jack had to get his beauty sleep. They could cancel their plans, but that felt a little wrong. Jack had to rest, or it was unhealthy, and they couldn't have that! Maybe they'd have enough time to attend after they'd both rested up? Let's see, he had to finish up with dinner, then do his stretches, then get his eight hours of sleep, and then check on his friends. The party would probably be over by then, which was sad, but maybe there would be another one. [i][color=39b54a]"■■■■■■ ■■■■■, ■■■ ■■■ ■■■■■■■■?"[/color][/i] The plant he looked at didn't move, but whatever response it gave made the legumancer smile slightly. Morale was important, after all, and the most basic kind of morale was checking in that one's friends were okay! Well, enough sitting around, time to start on the evening agenda. First up, dinner. And what a dinner it was, specially prepared for such a momentous occasion. "Thanks for the food~" Speaking only to himself, Jack looked to the plate on the table in front of him, on which were three beans. Unceremoniously, he lifted one bean up with two fingers, and popped it into his mouth. So began the delicious dinner. ... ...come on, were you really expecting anything else?