Straw watched with some amazement at the ferocity with which Hugh went after the bandits, attacking with such swiftness that the bandits barely fought back. The old man didn't move as Hugh brought his wrath upon the highwaymen and seemed almost startled when the large warrior hurried back over to the downed woman, trying to save her life. So far as Straw knew, their little group contained no healer and he did not expect the woman to last long. "I'm not sure if we can do anything for her now," he said slowly. He seemed about to set a hand on Hugh's shoulder, but thought better of the gesture. The woman's eyes fluttered open as the warrior snapped his fingers in front of her face. Then she gasped in pain as he pressed down on the wound. Her eyes focused for a moment on the man trying to save her, "the ... potion," she said in a barely audible voice before her eye lids threatened to close again.