[@Andreyich] Honestly, they all could work! I'll just end up giving you the advice I give to everyone during the Character Sheet process. My advice is always to pick whatever concept you find the most compelling. Don't be afraid if it is a little out of the box or if somebody else created a similar concept. The character whose story you want to tell is always going to be the one that comes off the strongest and the chances are high if you are invested in the character and I can see that then I will be invested in the character as well. Also! (Интересный для вас факт: моя невеста из Витебска.) [@Odin] Thanks for the heads up! I'll take a look into it and see if I can't get it working again and yeah it is fontmeme. [@Ghost Shadow] Alright! Can't wait to see what you come up with! [@Moskau Spieluhr] Lore dump is indeed large. I think it came out to 10 pages in my word document and that was after edits? lmao