At sunset one night, Edward left his family to hunt. He fed quickly and gathered some animals whose blood would sustain his family. He had to protect them as well as finish up whatever training remained. He sighed as he returned to the little shack they were currently forced to stay in, along with the followers and soldiers and such who remained loyal to Edward after what had happened in his homeland. Luckily, they outnumbered those who were loyal to his brother, but he knew his brother had probably hired others to replace those who weren't. Anyway, he looked out the window as Emily fed their son, wondering what was happening while he was away. He frowned as he became very worried, and narrowed his eyes when he became angry. But, he had to be strong, for everyones' sake. They needed a strong leader and that was what he had to be. He mentally prepared himself for whatever lay ahead. (I was not sure what else to write.)