[center][h1][i][b]The plot [/b][/i][/h1] [img]https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/usKk2wdF8TCkTZNn4An7Zwd5rXk=/8x0:251x182/1400x1400/filters:focal(8x0:251x182):format(jpeg)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/39230944/ramsay-yelling.0.jpg[/img] --------------------------------------------------- [i]In the small town of Sandylanes a upstart chef is preparing to enter the world of gourmet, each day he has practiced for this since he was but a wee little boy. He has watched every episode of kitchen nightmares, he has tasted and tested as many types of cusines the american market can offer just to widen his field of taste. His cuisine culture, if you will. His parents have supported him every step of the way and upon seeing his sheer commitment sold their home so that he may open a small restraunt. Enter you, the nemesis, the deviant, the light bringer, the experienced excrement resource provider. You have tasted many dishes, many designs that have touched a plate from mans mind first entered your lips. But this...this is fucking awful. Truly my character is the worse chef you have EVER encounter, the first bite almost legit makes you puke back up. Maybe it even does. You won't let this menace to the food world continue. You will trash him, your redicicule of his attempts at "cooking" as he calls it-more like biogeneic warfare on a plate- will be legendary, even gordon ramsay will wilt like a flower under the treads of a tank at hearing your reaction second hand after this day. How you react, I don't care, expressive, verbal, interpretive dance. Go nuts.[/i] --------------------------------------------------- I only ask that each post be simmering with depression, that each action be with the intended affect to mercillessly destroy this young chefs hope. When this is done, the mods will ban us both and wipe away our content because it will be so depressing that they consider it to able to nudged people to suicidal ideals after reading it. 1: I play the part of the chef. 2: No sex. This isn't a fetish. I just really fucking hate chefs. If you're a chef and reading this, get fucked. 3: Please be able to produce 2 paragraphs. I'm not a hard ass, if you feel a post reaction dosen't warrant that length it's ok. But simply being able to keep to that average is appreciated. 4: If you want me to RP as a character from a show as the chef that will be ripped apart, I might be willing to try but I don't typically RP other people characters. Nor am I media enriched. I know how to play peter griffin, sonic and waluigi though. 5: You can be female or male. I only ask that your dissapointment be unaffected by gender dynamics. This is merely about the anger of a food lover to a food defiler. [u][i]((If you haven't guessed I made this purely as a joke))[/i][/u] [/center]