[h3]Dmitry[/h3] [@Crowvette][@Dezuel][@Crazy Scion] Dmitry kept looking at the unimpressive rant of the other male student. Everyone made mistakes, no matter the person. Even the Tsar. It was hubris to consider otherwise. He just chose to let the comments go for now, an uninterested expression on his face. "I shall take this lesson to heart, my lady." He said to Lise, not bothering to adress the almost-frothing Andreim. More surprising developments appeared, as the shadow power of the other Valois seemed to startle Lise. Still, the fact that it mentioned a love letter was kinda troublesome. "I don't remember anything about any love letter, my lady...?" He again said, in confusion. "Tis merely an introductory note to deliver to the princess of Valois in which it states I must serve her. And beg you pardon, I am not a servant of Lady Elise Valois. I shan't object if that is what you really wish, but are you really sure about sending me off? My service could be of some use. I can repair the door Andreim broke in his zeal. And the ground too. And prepare you a new bathroom. The rampage of a servant does reflect poorly on their master." Dmitry sighed as he eyed Elise, and helped her to maintain her steady gait. "Don't worry, i still support your endeavour, Lady Elise. Love is beautiful." He whispered to the younger-looking of the Valois. Hopefully that brute wouldn't try to stomp her again.