So I'm... not entirely sure what it is exactly you want here but I [i]do[/i] have a story from one of my earlier TTRPG experiences. Hope this is what you're looking for...? Anyway, this was when I was still new to playing tabletops. At the time I used to do online RP over places like livejournal (remember that site?) but I was kind of awkward trying to roleplay out a character in real life. Tangent: I could never do LARP because I get too embarrassed, TTRPGs are the furthest I go with that. Now, my regular D&D group are amazing, we know when to goof off and when to get serious, and this particular campaign was a great mix of both. It was [url=]Final Fantasy[/url]. Now, I didn't know jack shit about Final Fantasy back then, still don't now, but I'll play any dice campaign with that group. I made a big lizard man beast tamer. I had a hawk companion named Clint because I'm really creative with names :lol I really liked my character! I bonded with Clint, did little side quests with him, somehow tamed a behemoth really early on with a bunch of nat 20s... it was fun. Then Clint died in a boss fight. I wasn't sad IRL, but I went about the next couple sessions with my character depressed. Eventually, we came across a soul train or something like that, with departed spirits aboard it. Clint's soul was there! He had a chance to come back to life! One of my party members had his soul in their hand. They had a choice between letting my beloved bird companion return to life or... sacrificing it to get an artifact their god wanted them to get. The person that played this character is a good friend of mine, there was no bad blood between us at all. Throughout the RPG thus far our characters had always cooperated and went above and beyond to help each other. I suspect you know where I'm going with this. He crushed Clint's spirit right in front of my character, making him Dead Forever[sup]TM[/sup]. Props to them for following their character's goals, but... at the table I suddenly burst into tears. I hadn't felt any sadness at all prior to that moment, and suddenly I was so distraught. I left the room to get a hold of myself. Obviously this ended the session since everyone felt weird about it even though I assured them I wasn't mad! Even I was confused at my own actions. The GM and player both apologized to me but I wasn't upset with them, just felt the same thing I think my character might have. I think that was the first character I actually really connected with, so when his BFF bird was for sure gone I just got overwhelmed. Thankfully the campaign didn't end after that or I would have felt awful. Now our group looks back at that moment and laughs :lol Still love playing TTRPGs, but haven't quite had a profound experience like that since.