Penelope began to shrug her shoulders when movement caught her eye. She turned her head to see that the front door had opened and Crow along with Preston and Percy had stepped out. "There he is." she finally replied to her father with a small smile. Moving away from John, she stepped over to meet Crow halfway as he trotted down a the stairs. A smirk crossed her lips as he questioned just how early she had gotten up. Before replying, she leaned up to meet his lips in a kiss. As they pulled back her gaze flickered over to Preston as she heard the attendant clear his throat. She gave a small laugh as Crow went on to reveal that the boy had been the one to wake him. "So much for beating me to the courtyard." she teased crossing her arms over her chest. "Although, I must wonder at what cost. I wish I would have slept longer than I did." Penelope smirked at him with a tired gaze and gave him a playful nudge. "But I suppose keeping my pride as the one with discipline was worth it." As footsteps sounded from behind her, she turned her head to see her father step forward to join the couple. "I'll be taking my leave now that it seems you'll be taking yours." he told his daughter. While she gave a small nod, he paused and turned his gaze onto Crow. His eyes narrowed sternly at the viceroy. "And you, don't forget my terms of agreement for this courtship." he warned. Penelope turned her head away to roll her eyes. It seemed that her father wouldn't settle for just lecturing her about their deal. At least Crow's warning had been shorter than her own. "We won't." Penelope sighed pinching the bridge of her nose. "It's just a reminder." he grunted. John's gaze relaxed though and he took a step to leave but paused as he glanced back at Crow. He briefly rested his hand on his students shoulder. "Safe travels, Collin. And good luck with the king of Younis." he told him before dropping his hand back down to his side and moving to leave.