[center][img]https://dl.dropbox.com/s/vlidaoj77jx1ti7/BonnieandFrank.JPG?dl=0[/img][/center] [color=dodgerblue]“So. Anneliese is in jail. Someone in here put her there.”[/color] Frank looks like he always does. Arms crossed, ready for whatever they have to throw at him. He’s the fixer. He’ll do whatever it takes to get them out of this mess. [color=plum]“And we are [i]all[/i] going down if this person keeps talking. Who is it?”[/color] Of course, no one will admit to it. They never do. [color=Plum]”We are not going to hurt you, we just need to know exactly what you told the police.”[/color] If Bonnie was going to say anything else, she didn’t have the opportunity. Frank was loud when he got angry. [color=dodgerblue]“Yeah, ‘cause the part Bonnie is leaving out is that they wanna charge her with murder. Whoever snitched lied in an attempt to save their ass, which is what we were trying to do in the first place. Maybe if you had followed instructions-“[/color] Bonnie raises a hand to silence Frank. [color=Plum]“It doesn’t matter now. What matters now is who told the cops what? We can’t keep you out of jail if we don’t know what’s going on.”[/color]