[b][right]Daedalus[/right][/b] The Daedalus dropped out of hyperspace directly above the Assimilator. Caldwell swore as Marks instinctively performed evasive maneuvers. The Daedalus spun on its axis as it cut a path down past the larger craft, its lasers lancing out and touching the shields of the Daedalus. That's when the call from the [i]Glasgow[/i] came through about the reported boarding action. Caldwell hit his comms to the fleet frequency. "This is Caldwell, the [i]Va[/i] can knock out the shields of an Assimilator. If they use that technology to disable the shields rather than using boarding craft we can beam our personnel aboard in key areas that have been identified by the schematics stolen by members of the [i]Resurgence[/i]." The radio crackled as Sheppard's voice came through. "Daedalus this is Sheppard, be advised at Coruscant we encountered Kull Warriors. We might also need you to beam any of them out we come across, do you have any Kull Disruptors aboard?" Caldwell grimaced. Facing down Kull Warriors wasn't exactly what he wanted to do, the troops were infamous even after the SGC and her allies managed to design a weapon to counteract them. "We don't have any disruptors but we'll send over transmitters-" The entire ship shook as a turbolaser hit strafed their shield. Caldwell turned to Marks who nodded that they were okay. "-to mark targets to beam away. We'll send them out into space." "Sir, they're launching fighters." As the Daedalus swung below the Assimilators its belly opened releasing a swathe of V-Wings and Arc-170s. While it did a [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/swfanon/images/1/19/Venator_Class_Close_up_by_Lord_Nalthren.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140119142529]ship[/url] dropped out of hyperspace and immediately opened a channel. "Attention Imperial Vessel. This is Jedi General Anakin Skywalker. Stand down and prepare to be boarded, in the name of the Galactic Republic we're commandeering your ship to rescue people on the surface of the planet." On the bridge, Anakin turned to Yularen, confused momentarily when Padme stood in his place. It was like so many other battles in the Clone Wars yet lines had been drawn, the only reason the 501st were still on his side was due to the sacrifice of Fives after his discovery of the control chip. Had Tups not malfunctioned and Fives not gone with him to Kamino then it was very likely that he would have already been killed thanks to Order 66. He clamped down on his rage at the betrayal of his friend, his manipulation of him. Dark clouds spread throughout his mind, then he heard the soft clanking of Master Yodas cane. "Calm young Skywalker. Remember your training, you must. Your mind clouded by Darth Sidious it was, mindful of your emotions you must be." "Yes, Master." "Strong in the Force, you are. Take time to recover it will. Faith in you, I have." Anakin turned smiling at Padme then turning to Yoda. "I'm assuming then that I shall not be joining the fight?" Yoda closed his eyes for a second as he thought. A 'hm' coming forth from the small being. "Ready for this, you are not. Stay here, manage the battle. A greater tactician than me, you are." Anakin bowed his head in respect as he turned to Rex. "Ready the men, get over there and take that ship." "Yes, sir."