[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200105/27f9be2d7808aba424e6c11f0cb442a8.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/YayxIt8.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/0d0I1Wt.png[/img][/center] [color=silver][indent][indent][indent][indent] [color=9CCE99]“So how was the start of your last year at that godawful school?”[/color] Minty’s big brother Iwan asked from behind her computer screen. The siblings made sure to stay in contact even now that Iwan had gone off to college. Without sticking together they would both perish under the pressure that their parents put on them. It was a good thing Minty had her back to the laptop or Iwan would have seen her roll her eyes which he hates. [color=9DCEC4]“It’s hell! But whatever it’ll be over soon right?”[/color] Aramintah drawled as she spread the oil paint with her pallet knife over the canvas she was working on.[color=9DCEC4] “And besides it’s not like my grade from freaking Rosefell will get me anywhere…”[/color] she continued. Her brother let out a small laugh [color=9CCE99]“Don’t be so sure little sister. You never know when you might need them.”[/color] he paused. Minty knew where this was going and was bracing for Iwan’s inevitable words. [color=9CCE99]“So… Uhm… Have you thought about… any colleges?”[/color], there it was. Minty spun around in her chair staring straight into the laptop’s camera [color=9DCEC4]“Dude you know I haven’t… Did mom ask you to ask again? God Iwan… really?”[/color] she huffed looking at his embarrassed face on the screen. [color=9DCEC4]“I thought you were on my side!”[/color] she exclaimed. [color=9CCE99]“Minty! Of course, I am… But you know how mom gets.”[/color] Iwan defended himself. The dark-haired girl just grunted and went back to her painting. [color=9DCEC4]“Whatever… I need to get ready for this lake thing anyway. I’ll talk to you later.”[/color] she said wiping her hands lazily on a wet cloth. Her hands were stained from the paints no matter how much she rubbed them and after a few seconds she gave up. [color=9CCE99]“Alright bye sis…”[/color] Iwan sighed and logged off. Slapping the laptop shut Minty walked over to her small closet and picked out an [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/72/af/ed/72afed9b10eb2c1746f2830eb7ff04a4.jpg]outfit[/url] for the night. A few minutes of sprucing up and she was out of the house. As she rode her bike she could feel the irritation from her and Iwan’s conversation ebb away and as she got closer to the lake she could hear the music and the murmur of voices, that got her excited. She locked her bike against a tree fishing out her phone as she did so. Her thumbs tapping away absentmindedly as she walked slowly towards the party. She sent her two best friends each a text message to let her know she was there: [right][sub]TO: [color=00CED1]Lana[/color][/sub][/right] [right][img]https://i.imgur.com/6wTB8TX.png[/img][/right] [right][sub]TO: [color=6CCDEB]Eli[/color][/sub][/right] [right][img]https://i.imgur.com/M9wjtS6.png[/img][/right] [right][img]https://i.imgur.com/J7cpYoW.png[/img][/right] When she had sent them Aramintah took a lap trying to see if she knew anyone that where there already… she didn’t. She grabbed a wine cooler from the refreshments table as she headed to a small jetty where she sat down looking at the calm lake. [/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/color]