[hr][hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/oiSJ6L9.png[/img] [h3][color=f26522]*<:Location:_Samus_Gunship_---->_Nar_Shaddaa_:_Orbit:>*[/color][/h3] [h3][color=f26522]*<:Jumping_To_Lightspeed:>*[/color][/h3] [color=f26522][b]Mentions:[/b][/color] [@EliteCommander], [@Zarkun] [/center] [hr][hr] Once Samus sat at the controls of her ship, she quickly typed in in the coordinates towards the planet in question while getting her gunship into orbit. While she did that, she could hear Thaz mumble something aloud. [quote=Thaz][i]“Hmph, a ‘god’. Thinks he can prove himself a god just by destroying a planet. I’ve seen two or three destroyed myself, it’s nothing special. And I don’t believe for a second he’s doing it himself.”[/i][/quote] [color=f26522][b]"This seems different."[/b][/color] Samus replied as the ship took to the skies, [color=f26522][b]"Planet destruction isn't new to me either, but something about this process feels off."[/b][/color] She failed to mention the fact that those "destroyed planets" she'd witnessed were caused by her hand, granted they were mostly unintentional. The only ones she could justify were the destruction of the Dark Aether and the planet Phaaze, as they both proved a valiant threat to her galaxy at large. The same however couldn't be quite said for the self-destruction of Zebes - which was caused by the pirates - or the near-extermination of an entire keystone species on SR38. Now she's about to see the destruction of yet another planet, and perhaps for once not having to directly involve herself as responsible. [quote=Thaz][i]“Probably has some machine, or ship somewhere. We should take it, use it on his planet.”[/i][/quote] Samus simply shrugged. [color=f26522][b]"We'll just have to see what we find."[/b][/color] she remarks before punching the coordinates and quickly jumped to lightspeed towards their destination.