Kite felt content with himself from the display having even mildly flustered Jericho and his otherwise unflappable demeanor. While he was not entirely sure what Violet's plan was, he wanted to at least be transparent with the man not to underestimate him. Onto the more important questions, Kite chirped a soft "Yes" as they turned to the other wall of cell doors. Approaching the middle one, they raised a hand to merely press their hand where the keyhole would otherwise have been. The low groaning from earlier once more rose up, this time causing Kite to flinch and look over his shoulder back where they came from. Thankfully, nothing awaited as the door to the new reforming figure surged into existence in a similar manner to Jericho. This time, however, the vermin dispersed over a woman. Kite simply watched as they came to, their eyes never leaving their face. [color=Black]/ / /[/color] With a blink, Ruby is back in her body, in the cell, making eye-contact with the darkness within the eye-holes of The Stranger's mask. [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] Ruby regained consciousness lying on her back on a cold stone floor. At first, she thought she'd gone blind, but after a brief recall of recent events, decided that was unlikely. She felt for any gaps or sharp edges around her and, having confirmed the floor's safety, rolled prone and felt around for a wall. The first thing she found was metal bars. Her heart sank into her stomach. [color=red][i]Am I in prison?[/i][/color] She crawled to her feet and slid one foot to the side. Nothing there. Good. She brought in her other foot and shuffled along the perimeter like that until she'd measured the dimensions of her cell. It was just big enough for her to lie down in any direction, and, as she soon discovered, entirely empty. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, Ruby moved to the cell door and looked out into the hall beyond. There was an object just on the other side. She slowly dipped from angle to angle for light and perspective, and after a few moments' reflection, scrambled back with eyes wide open. [color=red]"What the frik-frak on a tic-tac?"[/color] she whispered. Ruby held still and watched the thing. When her eyes eventually found its face, a wave of nausea hit her, and she passed out. [center][Hider=Birds in The Willows][color=gray] Eyes open. Down is away from the sky. The sky is blue. Wherever you were before. A drop of water. Eyes blink away the water. The field is calm. A large object in the distance. Birds making nests. The close-up to a microscopic level of the beaks of birds slowly pinching into a fabric. This fabric is an object that was caught in the tree. The sound of a child laughing as legs are pulled off a bug. Sticks and strings tangled in branches. 'A kite falls out of a pond' (Appears as an upside-down image of a non-descript body of water which a kite falls into, ran in reverse) A kite in the breeze. A tree in the distance. A clock ticking. Two kites flying in the breeze in a cloudless sky. The smell of rain. A girl is holding a string, her arm outstretched. [/color] [color=black] A kite / / / flies into / / / the tree. [/color] [color=gray] A girl is holding a string, the string flies a kite. Birds making nests. One bird rises up from its work, needing to look for more material. The reflection of a girl flying a kite, seen from an insurmountably massive black mirror making up the pupil of an eye. A non-descript upside-down perspective of water. [/color] [color=black] A silhouette of a finned aquatic creature not dissimilar to a whale, seen from so far away it appears small as a minnow. [/color] [color=gray] The field is no longer calm as it has began to rain. One kite flies in a cloudless sky. A girl is holding the string. A string tied around a wrist, its knot, incomprehensible, eliciting a slight headache from paying too much attention to it. Two hands holding one. The thumbs gently explore the knuckles of a the girl's hand. A clock ticking. [/color][/hider][/center] Ruby blinked to find herself back inside the cell, making eye contact with the Stranger standing outside her cell. She crawled up to the bars and pulled herself up on them. [color=red]"Whoa, was that you? How'd you do that? That was awesome!"[/color] [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] The Stranger huffed a relieved-sounding sigh as they offered a hand to help them up. They initially remained still, maybe a bit surprised, though the mask would not betray what they, themselves, soon would. [color=8882be]"Y-yes! Ehhnf-"[/color] beginning to explain before seeming to catch themselves. Lowering their gaze away from the person, they swiftly stepped in, taking one of Ruby's hand and helping her to their feet. Outside, the rest of the cell doors slid open to the sound of what could be best described as a burlap sack being thrashed around a small room. Thankfully, the auditory oddity would cease just as quickly as it had started. This now, however, left the cell block in a palpable stillness from its absence. No distant drips, jingle of chains or rush of wind whistling through corridor, just hearts and voices in a stone room as if purposely intended to feel oppressively isolating even among others. "Boo~" a light voice whispered from back in the cell Jericho had been just recently rescued from. Three seconds later, small, snow-white hands reached from between the bars on cells to press around the torches in the room, snuffing it and its contents in darkness.