The bridge of skulls, an apt name when Elise began to look over the bridge blue eyes taking in the skulls lining it, no doubt her predecessors and soldiers that had fought in their wars. It did make her stomach churn, but that was because she remembered a tale of their Crown Prince Magnus who had been slain here in the battlefield. Prince Magnus was her fathers’ brother, he had no heirs, no line after him which meant after the battle and the news of him being slain her father had taken the crown. There had been no choice in the matter and a rather quick ceremony, the council members had seen it best as at least her father had heirs and a line to continue on. It was quite the interesting meeting place, not what she would have picked but then as her father liked to remind her, she did not make the rules. [color=6ecff6][i]What is this? Some sort of power play no doubt. Trying to scare me. Was he expecting a meek Princess?[/i][/color] Trying not to scoff at her own thoughts as she looked at the soldiers that stood beside him, quite the defensive line and she could understand why their soldiers had quite the trouble pushing past this bridge. No emotions graced her face, she kept herself composed and stood tall looking over the bridge down at the drop to the waters. A fall she doubted anyone could survive. This was the last bridge that allowed passage to Morganyth, a rather grim looking place in her eyes compared to Eorzia. Her own land was vast with crops, full of greenery and clean air which was quite surprising considering the amount of years it had been at war. Eorzia had secured many trade routes ensuring their Kingdom thrived even amidst the said war, but soldiers it was starting to lack. Their council had mentioned as such in the past meeting, the one meeting that had sold her off. It was meant to be a strategy allegedly, that was what her brother had said. A way to keep up appearances their end, keep the nobilities on side and their trade deals with other Kingdoms. If it looked like they wanted peace it kept favour with them, pushed more to their side and cause in the war. It was always meant to be declined; everyone had assumed it would be declined but that had not been the case. IT caused quite the shock in their Kingdom but they couldn't back down. Why they couldn’t just plan for another attack confused her surely, they had an advantage? Regardless it was not the case, instead she was now here. Meeting with her potential Husband. [color=6ecff6][i]Perhaps he would not want to marry, and we can return to war? Although that would be quite dangerous seeing as I’ll be in enemy territory. No doubt some sort of hostage. Unless he turns back now? [/i][/color] [color=6ecff6][i]Arrogance look at that.[/i][/color] Watching him ride across the bridge she felt the knot in her stomach tighten, it was commendable that even facing their greatest nemesis she managed to keep composure. Not show one hint of fear. [color=6ecff6][i]Maybe I should have worn black, it would have complimented their grim Kingdom and mourned my freedom.[/i][/color] [b][color=6ecff6]“Treville.”[/color][/b] Glancing back at the soldiers that had accompanied her as she commanded them, she signalled for one of them to move forward. The man who stepped forward was older, was old enough to at least be her father. Greying hair and beard he was rugged, worn and full of experience. Treville was dressed in royal blue robes, golden embroidery adorned his shoulders and a sword was strapped to his belt. Although dressed in fine clothing it was clear he was a soldier from the scar that ran down his cheek. Captain Treville was one of Eorzias finest, he was part of the Kings personal royal guard, but he had been sent with Princess Elise to ensure her protection. The Captain had stepped forward, bowing his head out of respect to the Princess before taking his place standing just behind her. Treville had spent many a year in war, protecting the King as well as being a part of the council. There was a wealth of knowledge and experience in this man and that was one of the many reasons he had been sent on this mission, his mission was to keep Elise safe. If the treaty was broken or she held hostage that was when he was supposed to shine. To break her out, protect her and keep her alive. Clearing his throat, he stood tall as he watched the enemy King ride the bridge, eyes narrowed as he kept his mouth shut watching the meeting between the two. This could go one of two ways; it could break out in an attempt to kill one another in which he had orders to drag the Princess back to safety. His hand itched towards his sword, but he kept himself composed, no matter how he felt he could not pose a threat. [color=6ecff6][i]What are you looking for?[/i][/color] Her own eyes looked him up and down as he approached her on the other side of the bridge, a flicker of anger passed through her eyes but in a moment it had gone. She had composed herself once more not wanting him to feel like he had won this, not that there was anything to win right now. Holding back the urge to roll her eyes as he welcomed her to his Kingdom, she felt her own heartbeat quicken as she looked up at him not even offering a smile. No courtesy, no acknowledgement on the fact he was a King. [color=6ecff6][b]“Pleasure to make your acquaintance”[/b][/color] [color=6ecff6][i]not[/i][/color]. Hesitating for a moment before addressing him once more, [color=6ecff6][b]“I am Princess Elise Hydaelyn daughter of King Regis, and sister to the crown Prince Ravus of Eorzia.” [/b][/color] Raising her eyes as she looked towards the soldiers that had accompanied him, a part of her wanted to say something, something that probably wouldn’t help matters but she managed to keep her tongue. Just. Feeling a cool breeze pass them she frowned feeling the chill, the ride had been long and a part of her felt tired from it, but she still stood proud, afraid to show any kind of weakness to him. [b][color=6ecff6]“I thank you for such… the welcome to your Kingdom.”[/color][/b] Pausing as she chose her words carefully, glancing down as she looked at her hand, she realised how disinterested it must have looked and quickly let it drop to her side looking at him once more. [color=6ecff6][i]I’m going to end up killing myself here, you watch I’ll say the wrong thing.[/i][/color] Out the corner of her eye she saw Treville place his hand on the hilt of his sword as if ready to draw it, she knew that meant she was treading a fine line. She felt the anger once more rise, fire reaching her eyes as she despised the fact that she would have to do as she was told. Pale fingers curled into a fist biting her lip slightly before she let a sigh escape her lips, [color=6ecff6][b]“Apologies your highness.”[/b][/color] Bowing her head respectfully even though it killed her inside, [color=6ecff6][b]“Apologies for the lack of enthusiasm, the journey has been quite long for myself and my men.”[/b][/color] Gesturing to her own soldiers that had travelled this long way with her, she could see the slight nod from Treville meaning that she had done the right thing as much as she hated bowing to this enemy.