[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/650978729043951636/651280284519497730/652041b01a163823bf87a380569990e4.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/NJz14B6.gif[/img][hr][/center][color=lightgray]It was party o'clock, and there was nobody less excited to go than Samantha Queen! Knowing how parties at Rosefell High were, she was probably just going to find whatever Knights were there and stick with them. The only problem was there was only one or two Knights attending tonight, and both of those people were probably going to preoccupied with other people. Still, she had to attend. As much as she wanted to sit back and stream tonight, she figured going to the party would help her stream grow by spreading even more word. Sacrifice a night of streaming in hopes that she'll continue to network more. Lose some, win more. That was the only way she even remotely justified this. Pulling up to the lake, Samantha stepped out of her car, wearing a gray crewneck sweater and light wash white shorts and white converse. It was going to be a chilly night considering they were right next to the water. Hopefully there was a fire or something because a [i]bitch gets cold![/i] Walking up to the party, she could see a crowd clamoring and a few people she recognized. Good. She was at the right party and not some creepy stoner cult party. Flashing some smiles at some people who made eye contact with her, Samantha went straight for the punch. She wasn't about to start this party without some sort of refreshment, as well as some sort of thing she can sip on whenever she was having a conversation. On her way to the punch bowl, she spotted a rather familiar face. Was that... Richard Brian? Great! There was someone she could latch onto and use as a catalyst to socialize and network. [color=b19cd9]"Rich! Rich!"[/color] Somehow, he wasn't hearing her, at least that was what she thought, [color=b19cd9]"[b]RIIIIIIICH![/b]"[/color] She yelled, waving her hand to grab his attention.[/color]