[center][b]2 Years after their escape[/b][/center] The light green Foreas sat on her knees in the darkness, the front of her body lit slightly by the glow of the fire several meters away from her. She held her eyes closed and her body was completely still, forgoing any breathing. With her body slightly bent forward and her hands firmly planted on the moist mossy ground, she felt the strange nutrients this land had to offer seep into her body. Somehow, after almost an entire year of constantly diving into this god-forsaken hole, she understood nothing about it. How could she stay alive by merely absorbing the soil’s nutrients? There was no visible light for her to receive, which would normally be lethal to her after a few days, but here… Snap. Aella’s eyes shot open and she jumped up to her feet. A twig had just been crushed. Everything went silent, with the exception of the crackling of the dying campfire and the soft breathing of the one she called her sister. Calmly she snuck her way to her sleeping sister and took a knee, unsheathing a long shiny blade from her left boot and nudging her sister to wake. It was tempting to say it was pitch black beyond the light cast by the campfire, but that wasn’t true. The fact was that Aella’s eyes were, quite simply, not as sharp as Arwen’s and she could only see well in daylight. But she could still smell the acrid fumes slowly filling the area. She could hear the high-pitched whistling… And she could feel the vibrations travelling through the ground as several large entities approached them. Campfires. They needed the fire for warmth and light and yet it served as a beacon at the same time, calling all beasts curious enough to Divers like Arwen and Aella. [color=tomato]“Arwen.”[/color] Her sister grumbled something, wrapping the ragged blanket tightly over her head. She squirmed slightly in the dim light of the fire as she changed positions. [color=lightblue]”Not… Not now Aella… Let me… Shleep.”[/color] she said groggily, her voice tired. Yet not a moment later she sat up with a start, eyes focusing to alertness as they became noticeable in the dark. She threw the blanket off to reveal tanned leather hides acting as rudimentary armor, long hair dyed auburn with the root of a pickala plant, and harrowed features. She was not the same girl who had fled the capital two years ago, the scar that hid itself beneath her clothes, worn proudly upon her chest, was proof of that. Quickly she picked up the long leather sheath beside the fire and placed her hand upon its hilt before turning to where the vibrations were coming from. She then looked around suddenly, giving a quick glance before she refocused on the where the noise was coming from. [Color=lightblue]"Where's Ami?"[/color] she asked her sister. Aella was as still as a statue, turning her head slightly every time a new step was heard. [color=tomato]”At Jin’s Pond, bathing. Sis, I think it’s a herd of Crimson Whistlebacks...”[/color] Aella whispered, a shiver shook her to the core as her skin came into contact with the increasing concentration of noxious gasses emitted by the Whistlebacks. Arwen gritted her teeth and then said, [color=lightblue]"And where in the gods names did Tashal run off too? Urgh!"[/color] she let out a frustrated groan and unsheathed her glimmering sword of star light. A gift, one she had awoken too shortly after running away. It had but a simple message attached to it, 'Use well - L'. She was hesitant at first, but as their circumstances changed, she did not complain. She coughed slightly as the gasses became apparent to her nose. It was not pleasant in the slightest. One whistleback was an easy opponent, but several would overpower them. She let out a quick sigh and turned around, running. With her free hand, she grabbed one of Aella's and began pulling her along. [Lightblue]"Why'd it have to be crimsons?"[/color] she said at first before continuing, [color=lightblue]"Let's go get Ami and with any luck they won't trample too much of our stuff."[/color] [color=tomato]”I think they might be hunting, sis. Moving to upper layers as our new neighbor, the Shenwurm, makes its home below us?”[/color] Aella chuckled, grabbing tightly onto her sister’s hand. [color=tomato]”Lead us down a smooth path! I swear I will stumble on every single obstacle otherwise.”[/color] She said while scratching at her neck. Arwen’s grip tightened around Aella’s hand. [color=lightblue]”That damn Shenwurm… We should have gone higher up the minute we crossed paths with it. Maybe then we wouldn’t have lost...”[/color] she stopped talking abruptly, her voice seething with anger before the sounds of the night Hollow filled their ears. They traveled some more, and thankfully Arwen managed to guide them on a path with very little rocks and roots that could prove a challenge to Aella. Eventually, they came upon a clearing of glowing plants, with a steady flow of water beginning to fill their ears. They had made it to Jin’s pond, and fortunately, the smell and sounds of the Whistlebacks, were no more The small body of water in the middle of the clearing shone with reflections of unseen moons. The air was clean but somewhat thin, and right at the edge of the pond was the form of another Foreas who was washing her arms. This one the colour of autumn and wearing a dress made of leaves and vines and plant matter of various shades of autumn. The reflected, ethereal light from the Pond caught around the Foreas and seemed to give her a visible aura. She never turned toward the two sisters, but they both knew she was observing them. [color=ghostwhite][b]’Whistlebacks? They must be having a rough time if they’re hunting at night... I’m glad you two are okay, though.’[/b][/color] Arwen gave no reply other than a sigh. She let go of Aella’s hand and made her way over to a rock near the pond’s edge, where she promptly sat down and crossed her arms over her chest. The light from the pond illuminated her own features further. Freckles of starlight twinkled upon her face. Her starry expression was blank as she looked into the water, yet try as she might to hide her emotions, her luminescent eyes always betrayed her. Especially in the pond, for behind those blue orbs of hers was anger. Aella tilted her head and pursed her lips, then hopped over to Arwen and sat down right by her, pressing herself against her sister and resting her chin on her shoulders in order to stare up at Arwen’s face from a mere couple inches away with her wide black eyes. [color=tomato]”Hey, Sis.”[/color] Arwen looked at Aella, her expression becoming softer, eyes no longer holding so much anger. [Color=lightblue]"Hey."[/color] she said after a moment. [color=tomato]”We should make a grave for… You know.”[/color] Aella blinked and pulled away, her leaves deflating a little. [color=tomato]”I don’t think we’re getting any more sleep tonight, anyway… And we may not have the body but, uhm, it’s to send their soul off properly, right...?”[/color] She nodded slowly, looking back at the pond. [Color=lightblue]"I… I think we should go back to the surface. To let Camille and Uvon know… And we'll give everything we've found on this trip to them. It's what Viert would want."[/color] she said softly. [color=tomato]”Yeah… Yeah. He had a cute little sister. You think Camille and Uvon will take her in, Sis?”[/color] Ami stood up, water dripping from her arms onto the grey-green mossy grass before it was absorbed into her body. Without turning toward them, she smiled softly. [color=ghostwhite][b]’They will.’[/b][/color] This did not comfort Aella. She rolled her eyes and grabbed Arwen’s hand, then whispered to her sister. [color=tomato]”Yeah right! If she hadn’t [i]disappeared[/i] back then, Viert would still be alive, wouldn’t he?”[/color] It was a sudden change in her sister’s demeanor. Her free hand balled into a fist as she looked up at Aella, her eyes having dimmed as her anger sprung forth. Arwen’s then suddenly looked to Ami as she stood up, letting go of Aella’s hand and walking over to the other Foreas girl. [color=lightblue]”Where were you?”[/color] she asked in an angry voice as she stared down at her. [color=lightblue]”Why do you keep running off when we need you? Viert died and you barely seem to care...”[/color] Ami turned to face Arwen, a curious expression forming. Her glazed over eyes scrambled around and tried to focus on the teen… And then, Ami smiled. [color=ghostwhite][b]’His body may be gone, but his soul, that which made him into the person he was, is still a part of the world. It will always be. I grieve, of course, that we may never speak to him again--But his life was a beautiful thing. As beautiful as the dance performed by two Bluefeathers in love.’[/b][/color] Ami gave a little spin and the long leaves that made up her skirt flared up into a perfect circle. [color=ghostwhite][b]’I miss Viert. I am so grateful for the time he spent with us, and I was saddened when I heard of his death... But, I look forward to the beautiful things that his soul will bring us in the future. Death is not the end, Arwen.’[/b][/color] She finished with a warm grin. Ami’s words brought little change in Arwen’s demeanor. In fact, she grew tense, her agitation coming to the forefront as she trembled. She scowled and then exploded in a burst of rage at Ami, [color=lightblue]”You don’t get to be GRATEFUL! His SOUL, it BURNS. Or did you forget that’s what happens to people like US! Honestly I can’t even de-”[/color] her outburst was cut short as she clutched her chest, falling to her knees as gritted her teeth as pain flashed across her face. [color=tomato]”Sis!”[/color] Aella gasped, jumping up to her feet and running towards her sister whom she took by the shoulders, [color=tomato]”W-What’s going on?!”[/color] The young Foreas asked, her leaves puffed out and as prickly as they could be. Ami stood still, her smile vanishing. After a second, Aella felt a chill go through her body, and then an odd warmth enveloped her very core… [color=ghostwhite][b]’Rau’Lien, was it? The name of your father. His blood runs thick in your sister.’[/b][/color] Aella furrowed her brow and tried to pry Arwen’s hand away from her chest, her own chest thumping like never before. Had her sister gotten ill? Maybe someone like Arwen was after all affected by the Whistlebacks’ gasses as well? It was like her sister couldn’t breath, she just kept taking in gulps of air as she hit Aella’s hand away, before clutching at her shirt again. [color=ghostwhite][b]’Arwen, breathe. It may feel like your lungs are burning, but you are alright. Just breathe… Think of the things you love.’[/b][/color] Arwen managed to glare at Ami, before she seemed to droop her shoulders slightly, and let out a deep breath. She leaned forward, using her left hand to support her as her long hair fell from gravity. [color=lightblue]”I-It’s getting worse…”[/color] she managed to say. Aella whimpered and looked up at Ami with wide, teary black eyes. As the wiser Foreas’ mouth stretched into a thin, flat line and her nose scrunched up, she spoke into Aella’s mind. [color=ghostwhite][b][i]’Little Aella, my presence now is only worsening your sister’s condition. Before I go, know this--You must help your sister embrace her emotions. I think, should she manage to do so, she will not lose control.’[/i][/b][/color] Aella rubbed her wet, shuttered eyes. [color=tomato][i]’But-’[/i][/color] It was then that Ami simple turned around and walked into the darkness of the Hollow. Soon, the warmth enveloping her core had disappeared and with it, any trace of Ami’s presence. Aella wasted no time. On her knees in front of Arwen, she lunged at her sister and wrapped her in a gentle hug. [color=tomato]”Sis…! Arwen, let it go...”[/color] She pleaded, shutting her eyes tightly and sniffling. As Aella embraced her, Arwen held her gaze on the spot Ami disappeared. Before long, Arwen let out a wail, and a flood of tears brought forth her grief. She let herself be held and sobbed into her sister’s shoulder for a long time. When at last light began to rise in the Hollow, Arwen pulled away from Aella, her eyes ringed with a faint red. Aella’s own were sapshot, tinged a golden hue. [color=lightblue]”I’m scared.”[/color] she said softly. As Aella rubbed her eyes and sniffled one last time, she managed to grin tiredly at Arwen, eyes closed. [color=tomato]”Yeah…? Me too. I… Miss home. I miss dad. I miss mom… This world isn’t fun, sis...”[/color] Arwen blinked, she looked down to the side, her eyes distant. [color=lightblue]”We… We don’t have a home… Aella. And we… We don’t have parents… not those that care, anyways.”[/color] Aella sighed and looked away. [color=tomato]”... I know, I know.”[/color] She smiled a little and stood up, offering Arwen a hand. [color=tomato]”We just gotta keep moving, right? Eventually we’ll find home...”[/color] Her sister looked up at her and she smiled sadly, before taking her hand and standing up. [color=lightblue]”Let’s… Let’s go to the surface.”[/color] Aella smiled as both girls dusted themselves off. It felt like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders, however little. It was true, too… If they just kept moving forward, they’d find their home. It is what Ami always said and no matter how fickle the older Foreas was, she knew her stuff. And so at first light in the endless abyss that was the Hollow, the two unlikely sisters of different species returned to their camp and packed up whatever they had left that wasn’t trampled or half-eaten. In just a short while, they were already climbing their way out of the cannibalistic depths of Galbar with a single autumn-coloured Foreas calmly following their steps. [color=ghostwhite][i]I wonder if… No, it definitely is. [b]Laurien[/b], are you here to visit me?[/i][/color] [hider=summary] Aella and Arwen are in the Hollow. Arwen is sleeping while Aella keeps watch and feeds from the pure energies supplied to her by the Hollow itself. Suddenly, Aella realizes they’re being hunted and surrounded by Whistlebacks. Herbivorous mammals that emit toxic gasses to render anything around them immobile and safe to consume. Quickly, Aella wakes Arwen and the two manage to escape just in time to avoid becoming Whistleback dinner. They head to a place called Jin’s Pond, where Ami is washing herself. There, Arwen confronts Ami about never being with the group when it counts, bringing up how an old friend of theirs was eaten because of her fickle nature. Her anger triggers an episode of DEVIL-TANTRUM and Ami notices her presence is making everything worse and gives Aella instructions on what to do before dipping for a few hours. Thankfully, Aella manages to calm Arwen down by being open and honest and the two sisters have a small conversation about their true feelings, then they decide to go back to the surface in order to sell off their haul of Curios and give the money to the family their friend left behind. Ami catches up to them as they climb. [/hider]