[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191217/c8e1b1fce19cc5fa02875a6316e639d4.png[/img] [/center] [center] [color=FFD700]Time: [/color]Night [color=FFD700]Location: [/color]Trance Club [color=FFD700]Interactions: [/color] With Violet ([@princess] & Rose ([@Tae] Mention of Volfango ([@Ithradine], Genesis ([@MsMorningstar]) & Cain ([@Derg 2])[/center] He could feel the subtle tension between the twins as he waited in the kitchen, stacking away utensils that had washed themselves. He really ought to ask more about this Damien guy… but not tonight. As soon as Rose was ready, he was straight out the door behind her like a shot, taking his other cousin by the arm as she complimented his outfit. Outside the club, Felix slammed the Beetle’s door shut with gusto. He had been waiting all week for this promised night out. He had always found Trance a great place for a night of inebriation and non-stop dancing, both things his life had been sorely lacking recently. As the young warlock walked toward the entrance he gave a questioning look to both his cousins to ensure they had both strengthened their personal wards. Whilst Trance was usually a friendly place for a night out, it was not neutral ground like Alexei’s and given the last few hours, he was taking no chances. Felix was patted down at the entrance and promptly gave his name to the hostess who pointed out a booth with the optimal proximity to dance floor, bar and restrooms. He took planning nights out probably too seriously. He pointed it out to his cousins and made his way to the bar to get their drinks, bumping shoulders with an attractive gentleman on the way out. He was temporarily frozen as their eyes met, his startling green eyes and long glossy hair captivating. He was even more surprised when the guy then turned to blow a kiss… Felix gave the guy a coy smile in return before noticing he was on the arm of an equally beautiful woman. Feeling stupid he continued onto the bar where he slotted straight in and counted his order off on his fingers, [color=FFD700][b][i]“Three espresso martinis, please.” [/i][/b][/color]He flashed the attractive barman a smile but he was still thinking about the guy he’d bumped into on the way in when he noticed a young blonde guy at the bar who definitely looked underage. He struggled to quash his teacher instincts and was pretending not to notice when he heard the commotion on the dance floor. Turning to see a guy being helped off the floor, it was not hard to follow the eyes in the room to identify the culprit - the girl next to him, who he was alarmed to see was brazenly snorting a line of coke whilst she waited for her drink. Felix nodded in her direction to the head barman with a sympathetic expression and quickly fumbled to carry all three glasses to their booth. Not wanting to be anywhere near the coked-up assailant as the bouncers closed in on her. As he wove through the crowd he couldn’t help but wonder what other non-humans were around them and briefly wished he was still wearing his glasses with their Seeker enchantments on them and not his contacts. [color=FFD700][b][i]“There we go ladies,” [/i][/b][/color]he exclaimed with a flourish as he reached their table. [color=FFD700][b][i]“Here’s to a drunken, stress-free, dance-filled night.” [/i][/b][/color]He spoke with a heavy emphasis on ‘stress-free’ whilst looking at the twins before lifting his glass - [color=FFD700][b][i]“Cheers!” [/i][/b][/color]He knew from experience that this may be the last time they were all together. You couldn’t expect three powerful witches to just sit and sat amongst themselves with so much fun to be had… Felix took another sip and excused himself to nip to the bathroom, regretting sneaking a couple of drinks of his homebrew before coming out this evening.