Same. It's gonna be a mess. I'm also enjoying writing Caspian's character, because most of the male characters I make are a lot more rough and tough xD He's very opposite since he's so compassionate, but I like navigating his thoughts and feelings. Sure! Honestly, the meeting could even happen during the current night. I was thinking that since it sounds like Ethan came to the capital to find out what happened to Iris, he'd be lingering around the palace (btw, it really is a palace, but Cas doesn't like to think of it as one, which is why I refer to it with words like mansion/estate/home in my posts). If Ethan bypasses security and gets inside at night, maybe he and Iris could run into each other? Her room is on the first floor, so he could even get in through her window. That's probably the only way they could find each other, since Cas won't be leaving the palace until all the rebels are recaptured for his own safety. As for how he could get past security, we could say that the rebels got their hands on some advanced military tech by intercepting a shipment to the capital. Ethan could have clothes that are designed to mask his heat signature from infrared cameras and stuff like that ^^ Oh also, the call that came in to Cas in my last post was going to be an update from Jacob announcing that two of the prisoners (we could say there were four total including Ethan, if that sounds good to you) were found in the city and returned to the holding cell for continued interrogation.