[hr][hr] [center][h1]Aboard The Va[/h1][/center] [hr][hr] "I'm keenly aware," Yiithren said, activating the com built into his seat. "Unfortunately I need a bit more time before my ship is capable of doing what you ask. Our speed and weapons efficiency has been greatly reduced from our jump, meaning we can't afford to just charge in blindly." [I]"Unless you want lose your only real weapon against Anubis ships that is..."[/I] he mused, somewhat annoyedly, as he relayed commands to his crew. If he couldn't get them up close and personal with that Assimilator without risking the integrity of his own craft, then he would snipe it from afar. It wasn't his preferred method of approach really, as the beam could only be launched in one direction at any time, but it was either that or remaining stationary and risking complete annihilation or capture. And gods forbid they were ever captured. Yiithren couldn't even begin to imagine the kind of damage Anubis could cause if he ever got his hands on Cantharian tech. [hr] The Va made its way through the vast dark, albeit much slower than usual due to system damage from the activation of the jump drive, its crew working overtime to restore its weapons to optimal levels in the absence of the ships chief engineer. After a few minutes had passed, and the ship had gotten into a relatively good position, the beam itself had been restored to prime functionality and was currently being charged up for an assault on the Assimilators shields. Seconds pass. [I]And the void remains silent.[/I] Minutes pass. [I]And the void is alight with violet fire.[/I] The beam is fired as the ship is maneuvered to the right, and it arcs through the void before impacting with the opposing crafts shields, burning them out. [hr] "There," Yiithren says, his crew beginning evasive maneuvers. "It's shields are down."