Lunise turned and took Meesei lightly by the arms once they were out of sight. She knew Meesei could not hold them out of time for particularly long, so she took every precaution without always needing to. The news about Sabine and Karl made her smile just a little. "I thought they might," she said softly. "I know how much you mean to one another." She took Meesei by the cheeks to wipe the tears away with her thumbs. "But you say what you do as if you are doubting yourself. Why?" [hr] Enough of Janius' human instinct had influence to reach out and take Kaleeth's hand, or at least as much as it could encompass. "The way you mention're right. That is all we ever need to be in the end, my dear." He squeezed her hand and breathed out. "I'm glad you said that." He turned to face her. "You know, I've been unsure at times whether I'll be good enough for this mission. I play it off with humour, but what with Sabine throwing me about and the energy the children have, I have noticed. I'm not as fast as I used to be, nor as strong."