The King did not find what he was looking for in Princess Elise Hydaelyn. She did not shrink away from him, hide behind her guards, or grovel and beg before him. He did not see the fear or weakness he had expected from her. There was none of the theatrics that most Eorzian women preformed when they happened to fall in his path, although granted the circumstances were rather different. In fact she was largely inscrutable, but for a moment, when he saw the flash of anger behind her pale blue eyes. He had not expected this, this steely composure in the face of the terror of her people. [i][color=f7941d]She is bold for a girl bartered away.[/color][/i] When she spoke she hardly looked at him, glancing down at her hand, almost as if he bored her, as if he were some inconsequential suitor she wished she could dismiss. No courtesy, no deference. That stirred something in Ozragad, he was not used to being met with disinterest. He felt is lip curl upwards with a sneer. Perhaps he should teach her a lesson when it came to Morganythian courtly manners. [color=f7941d]No, look closer, look at the others.[/color] Her guards were gathered close, the older one with the fierce scar on his cheek had his hand upon the hilt of his sword. They were afraid, they knew the danger they were walking into. And then she broke. Not much, a dip of head, a spoken apology. Oh but the anger Ozragad saw in those eyes as she lowered them to him. [color=f7941d][i]She hates me almost as much as I have hated them.[/i][/color] He wasn't surprised by that, and it didn't evoke anything within him. [i][color=f7941d]I would probably feel the same were I in her position.[/color][/i] Let her be angry, so long as it did not interfere with his plans ans she did not show him flagrant disrespect, she could feel however she wished. It was no concern of his. [b][color=f7941d]"There is no need to apologise, the road between your capital and mine is a long one... Your Highness."[/color][/b] Let him return courtesy with courtesy, there was no reason to make her despise him anymore than she already did. Besides he should consider his reputation amongst his own people. It was one thing for a King to be merciless to his enemies on the field of battle, it was another thing for a man to demean and disrespect his wife. [b][color=f7941d]"We will not reach Cirith Anyr before nightfall unless we ride hard. My men and I will escort you the remainder of the way, these lands can be perilous to the unwary, especially during Ashfall. We should not delay."[/color][/b] His gaze lingered on the Princess as he went to turn his horse about and ride back over the bridge, the men had had brought with him began falling in line behind him. Then he hesitated, taken by a sudden unexpected urge. Once she was in his court there would be eyes everywhere, duties to attend to, they would rarely be alone, rarely have a chance to truly gauge each other's strength. He should do it now. [color=f7941d][b]"Perhaps I might ride with you instead, Your Highness? Alleviate your boredom on this tedious journey. Surely, we should get to know each other and I know so little about you."[/b][/color]