Kijani was startled when Obi-Wan nearly fell. She jumped up to try and help him, but Adam was awake just as fast. At first she thought that the old man had just had a spell of some kind, and needed rest. But then the two of them shared a strange, knowing glance, both of them pale in the face. “What do you mean, something terrible happened?” There was a cold knot in her stomach. Funny that; had that been there before or after Obi-Wan fell? To her surprise, R-2 came veering around the corner, scrreching in an alarmingly high pitched way. “What is it, R-2?” R-2 beeped out a rapid series of whistles and chirps that Kijani had to struggle to understand. “What do you mean, Alderaan disappeared? Slow down, you know I can only understand you up to a certain speed. The droid started over again. “You were tracking Alderaan to prepare for our arrival, okay. Trying to get early clearance. I got that. And then it just… disappeared from your tracking system?” She frowned, staring quizzically at her robotic friend. “R-2, run a diagnostic. Planets don’t just vanish.” She wiped her forehead, and noticed it was layered with sweat, like she’d been running a hard race. Where had that come from? No matter. She went to the cockpit, and looked between Han Solo and Chewbacca. “Would you gentlemen do me a favor and pull up Alderaan in your tracking systems? I think my droid is a little glitchy at the moment and I’d like to set it straight.”