The Dunmer's armor sundered, he fell dead, bleeding profusely onto the wooden floorboards. The Argonian spun, attempting to slash with his axe again to keep the other soldiers at bay but it was stuck fast within the dead enemy's armor, and Dax ducked a swing of a sword that bounced off one of his horns on the crown of his head. He did what he could do, and on instinct that was biting. His teeth sand into the wrist of the Dunmer that had struck his head, piercing skin and flesh, causing the mer to scream and draw his dagger. Daixanos caught the wrist, and let go of the arm to strike at the Dark Elf's neck, bowling him over as he severed the soldier's jugular with his large canines. As the Dunmer's cries and struggles faded, Dax heard the other two swordsmen behind him had run into the other room, clearly going in to try and attack Kris. Her victory over dispatching Vorn keeping her preoccupied at the moment. The Saxhleel lifted his bloody maw away from the torn throat of his enemy and he cried out to her. "Landstrider! Enemies!" before he himself tore off toward the main entrance door, where the two were still in sight headed in the direction of the balcony. He thanked the Hist that he had strung his bow before they had come, and he slid the weapon off his back and took an arrow in his hand, sliding it down the string and loosing it in one fluid motion. The arrow flew between the two, but if his cries of warning hadn't reached her ears, the arrow flying out from inside onto the blacony surely did as the arrowhead struck the railing, causing sparks from the steel's collision. Dax took another arrow from his quiver and aimed, firing not a moment later and managing to hit the lagging Dunmer in a groove of his cruel armor, causing him to stumble and gasp. The other charged forward tho and engaged Kris in combat without warning, hacking at her savagely. Dax's eyes fell on the dead guard he had first dispatched, and he put his bow up, placing a powerful foot on the breastplate as he yanked the axehead out of its side to regain his battle axe. He was going to assess the situation further, but shouts below and footsteps echoing on the stairs told him all he needed to about the situation. He suddenly dropped his axe and picked up one of the corpses, using his corded muscles to lift it over his head. As the first guard to respond rose to the last step, he was hit in the chest by a flying cadaver, knocking him and his fellows back down the stairs in a heap. It would at least buy them some time, the Argonian wasting none and sprinting towards Kris to aid her. As he approached the balcony, he saw the floundering guard he had shot. The hunter ended his life with a chop of the axe, the head rolling from of his neck.