Silvia Blackthorne had been staring at the waves when the horn sounded, a heavy sigh escaping her lungs as she pushed her torso up and made her way gracefully to the back of the boat. Her long black hair floated behind her in the sea breeze as she walked along the side of the craft. She had heard about her destination with the 'Ryders' but it was a brand new region to her, a land of cold and unforgiving mystery. It was rumored that the legendary ice bird pokemon dwelled somewhere in the mountains but she didn't want to get her hopes up of actually seeing Articuno with her own two eyes. There were also theories that new pokemon that hadn't been discovered yet were hiding among the mysterious caves and hidden spaces. The very thought of finding something brand new sent a shiver down her spine and Silvia skipped a small step as she did so. In Silvia's mind boats weren't as dependable as her pokemon and they made her nervous, so all of her companions would remain in their pokeballs until she stepped foot on solid ground. Several people moved out of her way as she picked her way through the small crowd, her angled features giving her a more fierce look than she actually acted. The truth was that she was a very kind and caring person underneath but her inability to interact with people caused her to put up a wall that only pokemon ever seemed to break through. Still, in no way was she weak and was willing to do what it took to achieve her dream of becoming a Ranger. Ever since she had heard about this specific ranger group, Silvia had trained herself, and her pokemon, hard to reach the standards that they looked for and had set her mind to joining no other group but the Snow Ryders. Even now her eyes sparkled with anticipation in complete contrast to the straight face she still wore. It wasn't difficult to start picking out other Rangers as she made her way to the back, each of them heading in the same direction. Most had a specific look, stride or some other feature that they might all have shared and it was these she looked for among the other passengers. Finally she stepped forward, eyes snapping to a shiny, bald surface at the back of the boat. She raised an eyebrow but shrugged and stood leaning carefully against the bannister.