[center] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/avertastevia-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191020/cb995e8dd02995aa1ea9f1a690dbb411.png[/img][/url] [/center] [center][img]https://d279m997dpfwgl.cloudfront.net/wp/2019/12/AP_557210717545.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Location:[/b] Unity Celebration. [hr] [right][b]Interactions:[/b] Open.[/right] Vitius gracefully weaved his way in-between the tarped stalls littering the area like some sort of impromptu shanty town, as he began making his way towards the booth catering to his kind sitting somewhat off to the side on the other end of the tarp jungle. Pushing past various passerby, the old vampire could have sworn he bumped into someone familiar on his way over, but quickly disregarded the feeling once he'd arrived at his destination. The smell of fresh Cruor-an old term that had developed into a slang of sorts for a certain type of spiced blood soup that had become popular among his kind-temporarily overwhelmed his senses as he drew close to the stall, his tongue hungrily dragging itself across his lips as he stared down at the speckled sanguine liquid. "What can I get ya?" A feminine voice asked from somewhere nearby. Blinking rapidly as he gradually reestablished control over the insatiable demon that was his bloodlust, Vitius tore his attention away from the displays of Cruor, and shifted it upwards to the owner of the stall and-presumably-the voice. "Uh, sorry, I'll take a..." He fell silent. Now that he was actually taking the time to consider his options, Vitius found himself at quite the loss over which one to choose. Hell the first three alone, dishes consisting of three different blood types combined with three different herbs and spices, made it hard enough. But when you threw in three other choices-each with their own types and flavor combinations-alongside those, you truly had old bastards like him stumped. Absentmindedly tapping his chin with a steel covered finger as his gaze flicked from bowl to bowl, Vitius stood there for a few seconds before eventually settling on the last soup in the row. An odd AO type combination with cloves and cilantro sprinkled on top, in addition to bite sized chunks of duck scattered throughout. "That'll be $6.00," the stall owner said, examining the armor he wore with mild interest as he reached into a pouch tied to his belt and pulled out the requested amount, handing it over to her. "Thanks," she remarked, placing the cash into a nearby register, before turning back to examine him quizzically. "So are you an old or new blood? If you don't mind me asking that is. I mean your skin would peg you as a new blood, it being all smooth and wither free, but your armor would pin you as one of the old guard. Unless it's just a [i]really[/i] good cosplay that is." "I'm sorry, what?" Vitius stammered, his brow furrowed in confusion. "Old blood, new blood? What are you talking about?" "Oh, sorry," she replied hastily. "I thought you knew. Old and new blood is a sort of colloquial term used among our kind to classify age groups. Sort of like how you have Fiends like you and me, vamps who live in society, and Outcasts, vamps who don't, but based on age instead of how well someone abides by societies laws." "I... I see," Vitius replied, more confused than before. "Basically," she explained, noticing his confusion. "If you have the bearing, demeanour, or garb-authentic of course-of someone born before even the telegraph was invented, you're probably an old blood. And it's kind of easy to tell because there aren't many of them around these days. But if you're dressed like I am"-she gestures to her clothes which consist of sneakers, jeans, a grey t-shirt, and a white hoodie with rolled up sleeves-"and generally act like someone born in this era, then you're probably a new blood like me. Got it?" "Yeah, I think I do," he said, nodding slowly while taking a modest sip of crimson colored soup. "So I'm an old blood then?" She nods, "Mhm. If your armor is genuine that is." She gestures to it. "Like I said earlier though, I have my doubts. Your skins a bit too smooth for someone turned before modern times, though I suppose you could have been able to get away with feeding on more... [i]suitable[/i] prey back then. Can't do that nowadays though. Not with all the camera's and whatnot." "Ah, well in that case you're right on both counts," Vitius replied, nodding slightly. "My armor is indeed genuine, though not what I was originally wearing when turned, and as for my eating habits... Let's just say I did what I needed to survive." "I thought so," she said, a slight smirk twisting its way across her lips. "Though again I find myself amazed at the fact that you managed to stay so..." She briefly flicks her gaze up and down his armor clad form. "Fresh. Most old bloods became outcasts for one reason or another, or just weren't able to keep fed. Again, you must have gotten pretty damn lucky." "Huh. Suppose I did," Vitius said, shrugging slightly. "Anyway, I'm going to go check out the rest of this..." He motions to their surroundings. "Celebration. Thanks for the soup." The stall owner nods. "Thanks for the conversation, not everyday I get to meet one of you. Anywho, enjoy the festival!" Vitius raises the bowl to his lips for another drink with a small nod, before lowering it and making his way back into the ever shifting crowd, quickly becoming one with the throng...