[right][h3][color=c1cdcd]Raine Provostus[/color][/h3][/right] [color=gray] Provostus followed suit as the other two members of their small party began to load themselves onto the elevator. The decision to not take the servant with their group was one he was comfortable with. Not only would the giant be much less mobile than them, it was easy to notice - and drawing attention isn’t the best way to survive in Yharnam. However, the matter of killing or leaving it was one chosen primarily out of consideration for his more - queasy, party member. He was not sure [i]why[/i] he had taken such a detail into consideration when stating his opinion on the matter - but now was not really the time for reflecting upon that. He needed to focus. He and his companions entered the elevator, Victor first, and himself last, his boots barely making any noise even as he stepped onto the suspended platform. He stepped directly into the middle of the platform, the wide, flat button that sat there depressing into the floor under his weight - causing the intertwining metal hinges of the elevator’s grate-like door to extend to a close behind them. There was a short lurch as the lift kicked into gear, the chains and mechanisms rattling and clacking as they began to rise. Provostus remained silent as they ascended, adjusting his grip comfortably onto his extended weapon. [/color] [hr][center][color=c1cdcd]Victor, Adelicia[/color][/center]