Watching as he laughed at her comments it only angered her more, how dare he! This was not funny, and nor did she find it funny at all. It was hard not to show her outrage at him laughing but when he had stopped, she found herself watching him and she folded her arms when he spoke once more. [color=6ecff6][i]Afterthought? Of course, I should never be surprised. Women are always an afterthought when it comes to these matters.[/i][/color] It disgusted her and as much as she tried to keep herself composed the look of disgust did cross her face for a fleeting moment. Feeling her stomach churn from the uneasy road and catching the malicious glint in his eyes put her on edge, when he leaned in she found her back firmly against the back seat of the carriage as if it would put anymore distance between them. She felt her heart in her chest as she listened to his words, her heart was racing, and she couldn’t help the fleeting moment of fear that crossed her eyes. Gripping her dress tighter her knuckles turned white from the effort, but she did not back down. [color=6ecff6][b]“Afterthought, I’m flattered you even thought of me at all.”[/b][/color] Clearing her throat slightly as she found her voice, it was clear he had frightened her, and she hated the idea that he knew he could potentially frighten her. [color=6ecff6][b]“I’m used to it; I may as well consider myself a glorified prisoner. Had I been born a different gender our meeting may have been different. Perhaps on a battlefield even.”[/b][/color] Tearing her eyes away from him she returned to looking out the window, she had always been an afterthought to her father, the council and even her brother. All women were in this day and age, [color=6ecff6][b]“But here I am, sold off to the highest bidder.”[/b][/color] Flinching at the fact he would not have tolerated the insolence should she be his prisoner and not a bride she already knew she was treading that fine line again, [color=6ecff6][i]when will I learn to keep my mouth shut?[/i][/color] Letting out a shaky breath she shook her head, her hand uncurled from the fist and she gently rubbed her fingers against her forehead soothing the headache that was forming whilst she took the time to consider her next words. [color=6ecff6][b]“I overstep myself; I suppose you can look at it as a weakness of mine. I am bold when it comes to opinions and will often talk freely even at my own expense.”[/b][/color] It had caused her plenty of trouble and she was sure it would continue to do so, a part of her wished Treville had been in here. He was wise when it came to these matters and how to phrase things in the right manner. It wasn’t an actual apology what she had said, but she felt it was close enough to ease any sort of tension. [color=6ecff6][i]Probably not for him[/i][/color], but she could acknowledge herself when she was stepping on thin ice. It didn’t surprise her in the least at the comment that she had not been what he was expecting, but it did beg the question as to what he had been thinking she would be like. [color=6ecff6][b]“What exactly were you expecting from the Princess of Eorzia?”[/b][/color] [color=6ecff6][i]Please tell me we are nearly there, before I get myself killed.[/i][/color]