(Join the Discord for the RP here: https://discord.gg/REPyef) [center][u][i][b]OVERVIEW[/b][/i][/u] [img]https://i.imgur.com/yv5Lt7f.png[/img] There are some RPs that have really inspired and creative worlds. There are some that have really well written campaigns that are on par with novels or films... ...and then there are some RPs that are just about having stupid, fanservice-y fun. This is that kind of RP So yeah, this is a crossover RP where characters from movies, books, games and the like all get pulled into a giant battle royale scenario. Now I'm going to be completely transparent with everyone here: the main point of this RP is going to just be cool crossover fights, big dumb action scenes and not too much else, and it is desgined to go on indefinitely (or at least, as long as people are interested in playing it). The setting, backstory and plot are all cheesy, unimportant and are pretty much just thrown together in order to have an excuse for cool crossover fights/teamups and big action setpiece sequences and stuff. Yes, there IS technically an overall goal for the characters to reach in the RP, but to be completely honest I don't intend for any of the players to actually reach it or even really take it seriously. The goal is put there purely to give the characters a motivation and to make the fights and interactions between characters more engaging, it's not at all the actual point of the RP. So if you're mostly interested in more thoughtful and detailed RPs with lots of character development and a clear endpoint, maybe you should hit back on your browser cause this ain't it, chief. However, if you're interested in an RP where you can have Samus Aran team up with Megaman to fight Geralt of Rivia and the Dragonborn, or where Aang, Deadpool and Han Solo all team up on the Millenium Falcon to take down Mecha Godzilla then hey, welcome aboard! Considering the excuse-plot nature of this RP, the format will (unsurprisingly) be pretty freeform, where the players will collectively create and drive the plot themselves. The bulk of the RP's plot will simply be about characters trying to win enough fights to go home, as well as all the fun ways they interact with the other characters (mostly as enemies, but also as friends). I'm hoping for fights to eventually escalate in size and scale to the point where you have stuff like characters teaming up to storm the fortress of a villainous character who's amassed a ton of power within the universe, a large capital spaceship launching an attack on a squad of giant mechs, etc. All this means I will essentially be relying on the players to make up the events of the RP as we go. Now I cannot stress this enough, and this is probably the most important thing to know about this RP because it is what will make or break it: due to this no-structure nature of the RP, I NEED PLAYERS WHO ARE PROACTIVE. Please, please, PLEASE for the love of god do not just sit around waiting for plot to happen or for players to notice you, because that will get you nowhere and will kill the RP. The whole point of the RP is that the players make the story, so have fun with it! Get inspired and do something crazy and creative with your character, whatever gets the plot going. If your character is wandering around and not doing anything, find another player who's not doing much and interact with them, or maybe try to join in on an already existing plot going on between other characters! If there is only one thing you remember from reading this post, please let it be this Now regarding the varying power levels of all the different characters: you will be allowed to pick characters who are known to be super crazy powerful (Thanos from Marvel, Beerus from Dragonball, the Forerunners from Halo, etc), as well as characters that have large armies at their beck and call. I do think having characters like this can be an interesting obstacle for characters to overcome, and it can be really fun to play characters like this. However, in order for this to not be obnoxious for the other players, there will be a sort of "equalizing" effect for character abilities within the Crossroads. So for example, if your character in canon has some kind of super deadly instakill beam of death, then in the RP that will be downgraded to just a highly damaging beam. This applies to defenses as well, and all this also applies to weaker characters but in reverse. In other words, powerful characters get somewhat less capable and weaker characters become somewhat more capable. Now to be clear, this won't COMPLETELY remove the power gap between characters (because that would be boring), it just simply lessens it. So OP characters WILL still be powerful, just not [i]as[/i] powerful. Think of it like this: the equalizing effect doesn't necessarily make a fight like Mercy from Overwatch VS Thanos a completely even match, it just simply gives Mercy a slight fighting chance. I admit this isn't a perfect solution, but it's the only way I can think of to both allow super powerful characters in the RP while also making it at least KINDA balanced[/center] [center][u][i][b]SETTING[/b][/i][/u][/center][hider=My Hider][center]Throughout all of reality a massive amount of universes exist, as depicted in movies, games, TV shows, comics, etc. However, unbeknownst to anyone living in these universes is a mysterious place BETWEEN these universes, known only as "The Crossroads". Practically nothing is known about this world, barely anyone has even heard of it at all. But even more mysteriously, it seemingly has a mind of its own. It likes to search for powerful individuals from other universes and bring them into the Crossroads in some way or another, with the intent of having them battle against each other. The reason it does this is unknown, and will very likely never be known The actual terrain of the Crossroads is not of its own making. Instead, it simply looks at pieces of land from other universes and creates a copy of it. The placement of these locations within the Crossroads are completely random and unpredictable with no rhyme or reason, which makes the landscape of the Crossroads a quite surreal patchwork of various locations, biomes and geography. You might see a large medieval castle sitting right next to a hyper advanced futuristic city, or vast desert wastelands placed next to large ocean. Anything can be anywhere in the Crossroads. There is also a large space area above the Crossroads, used for characters who have spaceships and the like. There are a couple abandoned space stations floating about in this space area, but otherwise it's completely empty space When characters enter the Crossroads, it is also very common for a piece of their own world (usually the character's dwelling place such as their house, or sometimes even bigger things like an entire city) to be copied into the Crossroads as well, which is where they will start when they enter the Crossroads. The methods that the Crossroads uses for bringing individuals into it can sometimes vary, but the most common method is to teleport them in by force. When teleported in, the character will usually start out unconscious and wake up in the Crossroads, with no memory of how they got there[/center][/hider] [center][u][i][b]MECHANICS[/b][/i][/u][/center][hider=My Hider][center]Despite the mystery and surreality of the Crossroads, it does function on a game-like "token system", the rules of which are as follows:[/center] 1: When you enter the Crossroads, you are immediately given 5 poker chip-esque objects called "tokens". These tokens cannot be destroyed, they are completely impervious to any type of method used to destroy them. These tokens are able to be "spent" on the following things: 1(a): Spending 1 token will give you a 50/50 chance to have something either good or bad happen to you. Maybe you'll gain a super useful powerup, but maybe you'll spawn a large monster that you'll have to fight instead. This is performed by flipping the token on your hand as if you were flipping a regular coin 1(b): Spending 3 tokens allows you to bring one person, place or thing of your choice from your home universe to help you. This can be anything from an ordinary knife to an entire military base, it's entirely up to you (as long as it actually exists within your home universe). This is performed by holding 3 tokens up in the air and saying the name of the item 1(c): Spending 100 tokens grants you a single wish. This wish can be for anything, including a trip out of the Crossroads. This is performed by placing 100 tokens on the ground and saying what your wish is 2: Other tokens are collected by gaining them from other token holders. A token is considered to be yours the second you touch it 2(a): The methods of obtaining tokens are completely open ended and any method is allowed: beating/killing someone and taking their tokens, stealing them covertly, convincing them to hand them over, etc 3: You have the option to join together with one or more token holders to join a "pact". When in a pact, all tokens held by each member of a pact is pooled together, and is counted towards the token count of every other token holder in the pact (for example, if you had 5 tokens and joined a pact with someone who had 20 tokens, all of you would have 25 tokens after joining the pact). This means that joining pacts can lead to getting a wish earlier than you otherwise would alone. This is performed by shaking hands with one of the pact members (or the closest equivallent, if none of the relevent individuals have hands to shake). Pacts can only hold up to 4 members 3(a): When joining a pact, your powers and abilities will all be less effective than normal. This effect is reversed as soon as you leave the pact 4: It is permitted to betray a pact and take their tokens for yourself. However, this comes at the cost of 2 punishments: 4(a): The second you either attack or steal the tokens from any of your pact members (whichever comes first), only half of the other pact members tokens will be available to you, the other half will become completely intangible and impossible to touch for you 4(b): Additionally, you will be branded as a traitor for an hour, signified by a giant red X on your wrist. If you encounter somebody in the Crossroads and you see that they have a red X on their wrist, you will know they are a traitor [center]When players enter the Crossroads, they will find their tokens placed next to them. [url=https://www.pokerchips.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/1000x1000/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/6/-/6-stripe-dice-white-poker-chips.jpg]They will look similar to this[/url] except colored in the character's associated color and with their face in the middle of it (which changes whenever a token is taken by another character). A list of the above rules will also be given to them through whatever method is most familiar to the character. For example if the character is a ninja then it might be delivered through a scroll, or if the character flies a spaceship then it might be delivered through the readout on their ship's viewscreen. If there is no obvious form for the message to take, the default is just simple text on an 8x11 sheet of printer paper. The translation of the rules is also personally customized to whatever language and method of communication the character is most comfortable with. This even includes dialects and slang terms, so if the character is a pirate for example, the rules will be translated into pirate lingo[/center][/hider] [center][u][i][b]RULES AND IMPORTANT NOTES ABOUT THE RP[/b][/i][/u][/center][hider=My Hider][center]1: So I know I already said this in the overview, but I feel like I need to stress this as many times as I possibly can: THE CROSSROADS IS A NONLINEAR SANDBOX. IT IS NOT AN RP WHERE PLOT WILL JUST HAPPEN TO YOU. BE PROACTIVE. The Crossroads is your oyster, have enough confidence in yourself to start some cool plot on your own. If you don't feel like you can do this, don't join 2: Before this RP can start, it will need at least 1 or more people to play major villains for the RP, or at the very least characters that are antagonistic and can create conflict for the other characters. The reason for this is fairly obvious: if there's no conflict, there's no tension. I'm primarily talking about villains who have a lot of powers/minions who would have a lot of influence in the Crossroads (like Handsome Jack from Borderlands), but smaller scale characters who are simply chaotic and can cause trouble for others (like the Joker) are also valuable 3: Whenever your character starts a fight with another character, you are required to have a discussion with the other player in PMs about the outcome of the fight. This rule is partly put in place to further make balancing character power levels even easier (as well as allowing more freedom and creativity in each fight), but the primary reason is really just to avoid player drama. You're allowed to be as specific about the minor details of the fight in the PMs as you want, you can discuss the entire progression of the fight beat for beat or just simply decide on the outcome and nothing else. In fact, you can even decide to NOT decide and just wing it like any other RP. Basically, the important thing is that both players can reach an agreement about how the fight ends, that's all that really matters. Also, when a fight involves 3 or more players, discuss it in the OOC 4: Canon characters only please, no OCs or fan-made alternate versions of characters (preexisting alternate characters are fine though) 5: When a character flips a coin, I will pick what happens to them. If they end up spawning an enemy that they have to fight, I will initially pick what the enemy will be, but the enemy itself will be an NPC that's controllable by anybody 6: Moreso a clarification rather than a rule: there is no intended way to interact with other players. You're allowed to just fight everyone you come across and never make friends, or play entirely within a group for the whole RP. Either one is fine, you do you 7: If you're interested in playing a character who can be really hard to play for some reason or another and are worried you won't portray them accurately or do them justice (like, say, they come from a universe with a truckload of established lore or if they have an extremely complicated personality with lots of psycological nuances), don't worry about that too much. This RP is going to be kinda sorta low-effort (in some respects anyway) and I want to value easily accessible fun over everything else in this RP, so there's nothing wrong with getting some details about a character incorrect or something as long as you get the basic fundamentals of the characters. I guess you could say I'm kinda sorta aiming more for players to play the "theme park" version of their characters, as TvTropes would put it 8: Just one final note: because of the way this RP is constructed it's sure be susceptible to drama and character misuse. With this in mind, just...don't be annoying with your character, alright? Please? Try to remember that RPs are ultimately meant to be collaborative stories, NOT competitive games. Don't go into the RP with the goal of having your character win all their fights, because that's not the point. There are some exceptions to this of course, but you're gonna need some really good justifications for it (like if you're playing a villain who you want to build up as a major threat to the other characters). Just think of it like this: do what you think is the most INTERESTING for your character, not the most advantageous[/center][/hider] [center][u][i][b]CHARACTER TEMPLATE[/b][/i][/u][/center][hider=My Hider](Just a quick note: when filling out the character template, I would really prefer you actually write out the stuff in it yourself as opposed to just copying it from a wiki or something. I don't have a problem with taking a couple bits and pieces from a wiki page, but try as much as you can to describe the character yourself. Obviously I can't really enforce this though, so just take this as a strong suggestion) Name: (include any important aliases they're known for, like Clark Kent for Superman) Appearance: (you can describe them with text if you're so inclined, but considering we're dealing with already existing characters with established appearances, pictures would make more sense) Series of origin: (if you're playing an alternate version of a character, then use the name of that specific character's origin, not the overall franchise name. Like, if you're playing the movie version of Iron Man, use "Marvel Cinematic Universe" as opposed to "Marvel comics") Personality: Abilities: (try to be as specific as you can here. Try to describe the feats and where the limits are for all the powers, just so I can get a sense of what the character is capable of, or the character's "power level", so to speak) Weapons and equipment: (like the abilities, try and be as specific as possible) Character alignment: (the default will be the classic DnD character alignment catgories, but you can describe it yourself in more detail if you don't feel like the character alignment categories describe them well enough) Other: (anything else you feel is worth mentioning that you couldn't fit into the rest of the profile? Maybe something regarding which version of the character you'll be playing, or an explanation for which powers you'll be changing for balance or something)[/hider]