[i]Larger than I thought a couple days ago, that’s for sure,[/i] Arla thought with a mirthless smile at Rayth’s response to her last statement. A shudder ran down her spine at the thought. A shudder she wasn’t entirely sure stemmed from fear or excitement. Or maybe, she had to admit, a bit of both. There were dark things—strange, dangerous things out for blood—out there. Lizardmen. Vampires. And who knew what else. Just the thought made her skin crawl and heart race. And yet. And [i]yet[/i]… Her attention returned fully to Rayth as the boy hurried a couple steps ahead, pulling her from her thoughts. Her fingers twitched toward her hunting knife, but she stopped herself from reaching for it as Rayth pulled open the tent flaps for her. Her brows raised slightly at the simple, gentlemanly gesture. She offered a quick, suspicious nod in thanks as she passed him. Instinct prickled at having him behind her, even for a moment. She turned slightly to still keep an eye on him as she strode into the Big Top first. She paused just inside, letting him fully enter the large area before her and to keep him in her sight easier. She snorted a chortle at his question. “I’ve never—” She caught herself before she could finish with, ‘seen a [I]non[/I]-Latino vampire before,’ remembering she’d tried to falsely insinuate otherwise earlier. She didn’t need him thinking she was a complete armature in a fight against a supernatural being. Not yet, at least. Not until she was certain Frieda's judgment wasn't tainted by some type of mind control. Compulsion, she thought it was called. “No,” she amended quickly, “can’t say I have.” Her gaze followed him cautiously as he sat on the nearest stand. She followed, still keeping a what she deemed a safe distance between them as she strode around where he sat. She took a seat at the bottom bench, leaving a couple yards between them. Facing him, she drew one foot onto the bench in front of her, the other still on the ground, and rested a hand on her knee, trying to appear less nervous than she felt. She ran her tongue over her teeth contemplatively as Rayth answered why he joined the circus in just as vague of a way as she had. She nodded slightly in agreement, but the action stopped short as he finished. There was that word again. [i]Safe.[/i] Longing for just that, to not be running for her life, tugged at her chest. She glanced over her shoulder as if expecting to find either her parents or the monster duo lurking somewhere in the shadows, ready to drag her off. She’d originally fled from safe, from the monotony of normalcy. But what she’d stumbled into instead hadn’t been what she’d expected. “I want something in-between,” she muttered, the words slipping from her tongue without her full consent. Realizing she’d taken her eyes off the more pressing issue, she scowled and looked back to the half-vampire. The boy hadn’t moved, and even appeared to be putting forth extra effort to seem less threatening. To be the picture of harmless Frieda had tried to reassure her he was. “There’s no adventure in living in complete safety.” She continued. “Like you said. Being here is [i]unexpected.[/i] Convenient.” [i]And the faster I get further from this town, the better,[/i] she added silently. “But traveling and preforming… that’s an adventure all its own. Least, I imagine it is.” She shrugged. “So. Frieda thinks pretty highly of you. She told me you’ve been with the circus for a year? But you haven't… [I]hurt[/I] anyone here?” She finished slowly, trying to untangle her thoughts. She eyed him, gaze sweeping over his face, watching for any misgivings or hint of hidden hostility. On the up side, what effects of the incense had stalked her again had begun to fade, letting her mind clear.