So they had expected him to throw her into a cell the second she was in his power? And still they had sent her into Ozragad's hands? He had thought Regis to merely be naive and foolish when they had made the peace offering, but he had not considered them so callous, cruel even. What sort of father sends his own child into the jaws of trap willingly and knowingly? He thought back to his own dreams of fatherhood, from so long ago, the old wounds stung still but he did not shrink away from the memories. [i][color=f7941d]I would never have even considered doing such a thing, not to someone precious to me... not to her.[/color][/i] The King looked at the Princess Elise Hydaelyn again, regarding her in a new light. He had thought all that hate in her eyes had been solely reserved for him, but now he understood otherwise. Ozragad doubted that she would have been happy sold to any man not of her choosing, but to him? Feared merciless tyrant, with full knowledge her family expected abuse and cruelty at his hands? A better reason to despise the world than most. He guessed it lay with him. Did he want to be the man they all believed him to be, or was he better than that? [i][color=f7941d]Stop it. Do not let this accursed sentimentality get in the way of what needs to be done. I shall reclaim our lands one way or another, otherwise it was all for nothing.[/color][/i] Ozragad steeled himself once more, pushing any feeling back down into the deepest depths of his heart. It was true, she was only a tool of his ambitions, nothing more. But there was no need to abuse his tools. [b][color=f7941d]"Well, it did cross my mind."[/color][/b] He let his reply hang in the air, unclear whether he was responding to her father's suspicions regarding his intentions or whether Ozragad had merely expected her to bring spies into his palace. [b][color=f7941d]"My Chamberlain can find some suitable women to attend you."[/color][/b] The cold and cynical part of his brain was doing his thinking now. [color=f7941d][i]This is a boon for me, I can now place my own people around her, watch her night and day.[/i][/color] She looked worried for a moment then as she smoothed out a crease in her dress, had she guessed his thoughts? He leaned back in his seat, tried to relax his brow and look genial. Not the easiest task for one so prone to brooding as he. [b][color=f7941d]"You will be confined to the palace for the time being. The upper city should be safe enough, but you will require permission should you wish to visit there, I will have my own guards escort you."[/color][/b] He paused for a moment to think, was that a good idea? There were plenty of Ashlander nobility in the upper city who already despised the peace. Then again, there were Ashlanders in his armies and guards who despised the peace as well, and they would be the palace itself. He would have to pick the men he assigned to guard her carefully. [b][color=f7941d]"As for the palace there are areas that are politically and... personally... sensitive. The cells below the Hall of Justice contain prisoners convicted of spying for Eorzia for example, it would not be good idea to go visiting there. My Council Chamber is closed to you also for the time being, as are my Royal Apartments. I doubt it would do either of our reputations much good if you were seen to be visiting my chambers before we are wed.[/color][/b]