[center][URL=http://s750.photobucket.com/user/Nicole_Irlbeck/media/Rumpel2_zps58a3597f.jpg.html][IMG]http://i750.photobucket.com/albums/xx141/Nicole_Irlbeck/Rumpel2_zps58a3597f.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center] “So you want me to just give you a potion that will make any man fall in bed with you?” Rumpelstiltskin asked, waking his hand about as he talked. The woman in front of him was an older lady, about mid forties, a little on the larger side, with a long, braided, grey hair, and cold green eyes. Rumpel hopped up on the edge of the bar and put his elbows on his knees. “What should I do such a thing?” he inquired with a bored air about him. “Please, Rumpelstiltskin! I would give you anything!” The woman begged. She was all but crawling on her knees, it made him sick. People were just so desperate to get what they wanted. “Oh, please don’t grovel. It is unbecoming.” He sighed as he stood up and began pacing on top of the bar. The woman watched him while rubbing her hands together anxiously. “You can’t make such a potion, can you? I should have guessed. This is beyond your power.” The woman stood up from her stool and began to walked towards the door. Nothing makes Rumpel’s blood boil faster than people underestimating his ability! He jumped from the bar and was in front of the woman before she could take two steps. “But of course it is within my power, you sick mongrel! There is very little I cannot do! Now take a seat!” He put a hand on her shoulder and shoved her back into her chair. The woman squealed as she was pushed down but was otherwise to shocked to say anything. Rumpel pulled a vial out of his jacket’s pocket and plucked a hair from the woman’s head. After dropping her hair into the vile and reciting a small chant, he shoved the vial into the woman’s chubby hand. “The person you want to sleep with must drink this potion. It is a one time use. Meaning one person, one time.” The woman smiled at him and pulled the vial closer to her. “Would it work on you, handsome?” she asked suggestively. Rumpel wanted to to throw up at her suggestion. “Yes, but I wouldn’t be stupid enough to drink such a potion.” The woman sighed, looking defeated then started for the door. “Oh! Not so fast!” Rumpel skipped backwards a step to keep her from passing him. “I am not giving you this for free!” He told her, outraged that she thought she could just walk away. “What do you want?” She asked, shrinking back a step. An evil grin spread across his face. “Just your blood, dearie!” The woman stared at him in shock. “Oh, please. Not that much! Just a little bit. Just a vial.” He shrugged. Grabbing a knife from his belt, he grabbed her arm, slit her hand, and allowed her blood to fill up a vial before she could even react to what he was doing. “All done!” He smiled at her as he pocketed the blood in his jacket. “Might want to put something on that cut, looks kind of deep.” He told her as he started to walk back towards the bar. “And remember, dearie, all magic… comes with a price!” He vanished from the room just as the woman turned around to ask him what he meant. Rumpel walked through the front doors of his castle, laughing to himself. “Blood of a virgin! Now I can complete my spell.” He threw his coat onto a near by chair and continued on into the room where he performed most of his spells. All over the room were blood painted symbols, candles, and in the middle sat an empty chair. Whistling while he worked, Rumpel started gather various potions, herbs, and other ingredients and carefully started measuring and adding things to a large bowl. After several minutes of measuring, adding, humming, and whistling, Rumplestiltskin finally stopped. “Here we are, dearie.” he said to himself as he stopped in front of the large bowl. “One last ingredient.” He pulled out the vial of virgin blood and poured it over the mixture in the bowl. Flames shoot from out of the bowl, quickly followed by black smoke that covered the room a foot deep. Rumpel put the empty vial down and started to laugh. Perfect. It was just perfect! The outline of a figure appeared in the empty chair, and shackles appeared and wrapped around the unformed human’s arms, legs and chest. Rumplestiltskin. I call thee, Rumpelstiltskin! Oh for the love of… Rumpel turned on the spot only to find himself in a different place. A quiet village, if he had to describe the place he was at, where every day would be like the one before. A little town, full of little people. All of them beneath him. Rumpel looked over his shoulder at the man who summoned him. The man was a good head taller than Rumpel, broad shouldered, wearing a ridiculously bright red shirt with a shotgun slung across his back. “Are you really that hairy?” Rumpel grabbed the man’s arm and lifted it up to inspect the hair. “Every inch of me is cover in hair!” The large man boasted with a puffed chest. Rumpel quickly dropped the arm he was holding and dusted off his hands. “Disgusting!” He mumbled. “Now on with it, you over sized grizzly bear! I was in the middle of something quite important, and you so rudely interrupted me!” Rumpel waved a hand at him to inform the ogre that he could speak. “I need something from you.” Gaston began. “Everyone does, love. Get to the point.” Rumpel began to circle the man impatiently. “Yes, well, I need you to make a woman obey me. She is to be my wife.” “Why?” “She is strong willed and is always running away from me.” “I would too!” Rumpel laughed. “I will only marry Belle. For only she is as beautiful as me!” Rumpel almost choked. “Belle? As in the theif?” “No. Of course not!” Gaston shifted his gun and stood up taller. “I do not enjoy being lied too, boy! Where is this Belle?” Rumpel turned to face Gaston, anger written all over his body. “Why does it matter?” Gaston asked stupidly. Rumpel took a calming breath. This was not the guy who would subcome to tourcher quickly, and time was of the essence. “Because, I have to see her to make her obedient, you buffoon. Obedience is a spell I must cast, not a potion I can give.” He lied. “I do not know where she is. She is supposed to be home, cooking the meat I killed. But knowing Belle, she is off doing a job.” “Stupid oaf of a man! You really think someone as simple minded and pathetic as you can keep ahold of such a thief?” Rumple asked with a snarl. This guy was starting to make him angry. “Do you have something of hers?” Gaston huffed. “Of course I do! I must keep my fiance close to me somehow. I have a lock of her beautiful golden hair.” Gaston pulled out a small cluster of blonde hair tied in a blue ribbon. Rumpel decided to let the stupidity, and grossness, of this man’s decision to himself. Desperate people never failed to make him sick. Rumpel took the hair and walked over to a puddle of water and knelt down in front of it. After whispering a short spell, he dropped the hair into the water. After a moment the water froze into a thick layer of ice and then a picture of Belle showed up. Rumpel smiled, he had her now. “Where is she headed?” He asked the image. It shimmered then showed the picture of a gypsy woman. “Esmeralda. Why am I not surprised?” he said to himself. With a wave of his hand, the image disappeared. Gaston watched Rumpel disappear before his eyes. A smile appeared on his face, the beast must have like him! He left without payment. Indeed he would have the most beautiful bride! Rumpel appeared inside the small cabin. Esmeralda, and her beautiful black hair and shapely figure had her back to him. “My, my, have the years have flown! Such a beautiful flower you have turned into!” He grabbed a fist full of her hair and brought it to his nose to smell. Esmeralda spun around, her hand raised to slap him, but Rumpel caught her wrist and ticked his tounge at her. “Now, now, you know better than to do that, young flower.” Esmeralda tried to jerk her arm away but Rumpel held her firm. “It that anyway to treat an old friend, young flower?” He asked in the calmest voice. “Please, take a seat. You are going to wait with me. You have a friend coming over that I am just [i]dying[/i] to meet!” “Belle!” Esmeralda squirmed as Rumpel pushed her into a chair and put a binding spell on her to keep her quiet and still. “And now,” Rumpel said as he sat down at on the table, “we wait.” He smiled at his guest and rubbed his hands together. Finally he would catch that thief!