[@Derg2]: Okay, a very basic one right off the bat is that there's no way someone with no shirt and a wooden sword would get to be a 4. Maybe if they had a proper sword and were skilled they could get away with no shirt or armor, obviously, this is basically a fantasy anime after all. But a wooden sword and no training... yeah. There's some other deeper issues with the lore details though. The Church of Reon and Mayon is the dominant religion among humans(and has a fair number of worshippers among other races) on this continent, and thus the same goes for Ithillin. The heavy anti-slavery stance of the Church influences the laws of these countries, and therefore slaves would [i]never[/i] be openly employed in Calthir. The illegal slave trade is usually confined to more isolated areas to avoid being discovered. So all the slavery elements are out. Hundi [i]extremely[/i] rarely have the capacity to become magi, which is why Raineh's hundi mage is actually a fairly big deal. So a big mana pool is very unlikely for a hundi. [@Myrna Minkoff]: Okay, the big issues here are the backstory, and the issues in the lore it causes. The divide between high, wood, and dark elves is not a matter of actual racial differences, it's cultural. There was a split in the distant past, all three are fundamentally the same race. Dark Elves are typically very [i]pale[/i] due to living in the far north underground. As for dark elven society, the gods they worship are different aspects of the gods worshipped by the high and wood elves, or focused on different deities. Their society is kind of cutthroat, but it's more in terms of proving the influence and power of your bloodline. There's also a lot of cultural pride placed on deception and subtlety, but at the same time dark elves also value those they know they can trust a [i]lot[/i] [@HereComesTheSnow]: There are dorms, and anyone who actually lives in town can obviously live in their own home and go to the guild for work.