There is a clear distinction between asking for information on something, and your current attitude of passive-aggressively insisting on filling in the blanks and how it fits in what you've been told. It makes it quite clear that even if the questions [i]were[/i] answered fully, roleplaying with you would be a trying and extremely frustrating experience at best, one which I have no interest in GMing. As for anyone else who might be interested in Dark Elves: living underground in a fantasy setting, the majority of their diet is carnivorous or fungal in nature, including those things that might otherwise get in from above. As the underground is as expansive as you might expect when an entire subclassification of elf has moved there, there are always a lot of geothermal or magical hotspots to provide the initial nutrition that feeds the food chain. Having their own access to magic both arcane and via beseeching deities, this tends to work out reasonably well, but does leave them quite poorly suited--like naga and some drider--to being accustomed to the cuisine of Estival. As elves were ancestrally pale and have had no reason to consequently derive a dark skin tone to protect from the sun (along with long generations and agelessness), they're all to some degree pale, though the lack of sunlight tends to make the dark elves particularly pallid due to lack of tanning.