[@Hokagae][@Lmpkio][@Ladypug][@LouisTheDummy][@Zoey Boey] Alright, so we're getting pretty close to starting the RP soon. I'm thinking either later today or early tomorrow (most likely tomorrow), so I feel I should just mention some last minute things that you all should probably keep in mind: First, I intend for the RP to [i]primarily[/i] consist of somewhat relatively small groups for most of the RP (like, between 2-4, maybe 5 characters each). I want it this way because I've done versions of this RP before on another forum, and at one point all the characters (which was about 10) joined together in one group and it was a goddamn clusterfuck. It was impossible to get the entire group to follow along, all the characters were talking over each other, posts were made that constantly contradicted other posts, eugh. Trust me, it was a nightmare. So yeah, try to keep the groups fairly small. That being said, there can be [i]certain[/i] moments where everyone can ban together, like if a villain is sending out mass waves of minions throughout the entire Crossroads or something and all the hero characters are trying to group up together to stop it, but try to keep those moments [i]somewhat[/i] limited Second, I would suggest talking to some of your fellow players and hashing out some ideas for interactions you think might be fun (either in the OOC or PMs, either one's fine). Do you think your character and another player's character would make for a really cool fight? Talk to them about it. Do you think you and another player's characters should totally team up and plan to take down a 3rd player's character? Go ahead an tell them. You don't have to do this if you don't want, I just think it might be good to start thinking about what you want to do with your characters before we start, just so everyone isn't wandering around aimlessly at the start of the RP XD