[h2]Mary Anne[/h2] "It's nice to meet all of you," Mary chimed in. "I've been at this, hm...something over a year, I think. You might've seen me in the papers every now and again." She didn't elaborate further. "Careful there," Umbra spoke up to admonish her. "You really shouldn't draw any more attention to yourself." "Oh, why not," Mary argued in quiet tones. "If we're all working together it won't matter, or they'll find out anyway." Mary wasn't sure if she should get up and curtsy for her hostess or anything, but she was already seated, so that would've been silly anyway. If they needed as many people as possible, whatever this is must be big. But she didn't feel like there was much reason to ask things without hearing what the actual reasons for the coven were. So small talk it was, for the moment. [hr] [H2]Clarissa[/h2] Clarissa really couldn't put off introducing herself anymore, so she finally spoke up. "I'm Clarissa Sherman. It's a pleasure to meet all of you." She actually was looking forward to working with them, at that. Something one of the other girls had said in her introduction had piqued her interest, so she addressed her directly. "Jackie, was it? Training to be a doctor is an admirable thing. I'm something of an amateur detective myself." Mary Anne quickly hides her shock at the mention of the word "detective." Clarissa wanted to ask about how they managed to track down so many witches. The rest of her questions, at least, would probably be answered in due time. "I'd still like to know how you managed to track down so many of us to send invitations," she said.