[hider=Monica Villarreal] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/rabusto-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200122/6ab14aec36a4b920d867e33a194d0630.png[/img][/url] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/95/c9/dd/95c9dd657f857dfab8c7464ca2a8df68.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.proverbs31boss.com/images/nehemiah/divider2.png[/img][/center] 》[color=cornsilk][u]B a s i c s[/u][/color] [color=khaki]Full name:[/color] Monica Villarreal [color=khaki]Age:[/color] 21 [color=khaki]Date of Birth:[/color] November 1, 1998 [color=khaki]Gender:[/color] Female [color=khaki]Occupation:[/color] Digital Artist/Digital Streamer [color=khaki]Where are you from?:[/color] Cancún, Mexico [color=khaki]Are you aware of the supernatural?:[/color] Yes, very 》[color=cornsilk][u]A p p e a r a n c e[/u][/color] [color=khaki]Height:[/color] 5'6" [color=khaki]Weight:[/color] 126 lbs [color=khaki]Hair Color:[/color] Reddish, Brownish Black [color=khaki]Hair Length:[/color] Shoulder-Length [color=khaki]Skin Color:[/color] Naturally Tanned [color=khaki]Eye Color:[/color] Caramel [color=khaki]Tattoos, Piercings, etc skin markings:[/color] None [center][img]http://www.proverbs31boss.com/images/nehemiah/divider2.png[/img][/center] 》[color=cornsilk][u]R e l a t i o n s h i p s[/u][/color] [color=khaki]Sexuality:[/color] Heterosexual [color=khaki]Relationship Status:[/color] Single [color=khaki]Any pre-determined friends?:[/color] Her ghostly roommate named Amanda [color=khaki]Siblings' Status:[/color] Alive [color=khaki]Parents' Status:[/color] Dead [color=khaki]Pets:[/color] None [color=khaki]How open is your character to friends from 1 to 10?:[/color] 6 [color=khaki]How open is your character to romance from 1 to 10?:[/color] 5 》[color=cornsilk][u]I n t e r e s t s[/u][/color] [color=khaki]Likes:[/color] 🔅 Animals 🔅 The beach 🔅 Good food, especially hot chocolate 🔅 Not being pestered by all these ghosts [color=khaki]Dislikes:[/color] 🔅 Foul smells 🔅 Frogs 🔅 Haughty people 🔅 Being pestered by all these ghosts [color=khaki]Hobbies:[/color] 🔅 Running her online blog 🔅 Singing 🔅 Photography [color=khaki]Skills:[/color] 🔅 Skilled mediator 🔅 Photo and video editing 🔅 Being able to see spirits and other supernatural beings 🔅 Knowledgeable about spirits, the supernatural, and the afterlife [center][img]http://www.proverbs31boss.com/images/nehemiah/divider2.png[/img][/center] 》[color=cornsilk][u]P e r s o n a l i t y[/u][/color] [center]Free-Spirited 💛 Independent 💛 Serious 💛 Brave 💛 Unapologetic[/center] Monica, or Mo for short, is a pretty quiet person. She mostly just keeps to herself and doesn't tell others her problems, especially her close relatives, because she doesn't want anyone to worry about her. She wants to solve whatever problems she has on her own and will only seek out help if she really couldn't do it. Some guys are pretty intimidated by her because they claim that she 'isn't like the other girls', meaning she's not easily impressed and definitely not easy to get. Still, that doesn't mean the girl doesn't like to have a boyfriend. She's a firm believer that there's someone out there for you, a.k.a. a soulmate. Most people are also afraid of talking to her because of her resting bitch face. Once you get to know her more, she'll start to warm up to you. She's the type of friend that tells you as it is and keeps you grounded when you're flying too high, but she's also very caring in a way that she'll offer you advice and will even help you in your problems as much as she could. 》[color=cornsilk][u]H i s t o r y[/u][/color] Mo is the only child of a Filipino-American woman and a full-blooded Mexican man. She has a very interesting family bloodline, especially on her mother's side. Matter of fact, Mo is related to the very first [i]babaylan[/i], a Filipino priestess, of her country. Supposedly, these priestesses were gifted in the supernatural. It's been told in many historical records that a [i]babaylan[/i] has supernatural abilities such as calling upon the gods to ensure good weather for harvest season and seeking the knowledge of the spirits of their forefathers to foretell the future. The number of priestesses in her country dwindled after the invasion of foreigners who violated their lands and forced their own tradition and culture into the natives. Even after being tainted by the blood of foreigners, Mo's priestess bloodline still continued to survive up to this day. The women in Mo's mother's side of the family have a strong connection to the spirit world. Some of them could only see these spirits while some of them could even communicate with the supernatural. While the men have a weaker connection, they could still sense if there is a ghost near them. Mo was believed to have the strongest connection in her family. Not only could she see and talk to these spirits but she could also command them to some extent after her mother saw Mo as a child ordering a poltergeist to retrieve her teddy bear from afar. Her family thought that it was because of her being born on the day of the dead, making her connection to the spirit world much stronger than the others. Most of Mo's childhood friends from growing up were ghosts and it concerned her parents very much as they knew the real world will treat her as a freak. They also feared that she may confuse the living from the dead while growing up. It got to the point where a malevolent spirit manipulated young Mo from making the girl follow her to a cliff. Mo, who as a child believed that all spirits were good, would've died if her parents quickly took action and save her from jumping to her death. After that incident, Mo's parents brought the young girl to her Filipino grandmother who had the ability to shut down a person's sixth sense. They then flew her to Mexico, her father's home country, where she grew up most of her life in. Unfortunately, Mo's parents died during a car crash and she was hurt that she couldn't see their spirits during their wake. Mo decided to stay at a relative's house in Ember Grove, South Carolina indefinitely for a fresh start. During her stay in Ember Grove, Mo searched the local library for anything supernatural, anything that can help her awaken her sixth sense so she could see her parents again but found nothing. Mo's aunt knew her problem so when Mo was asleep, her aunt went in her room, placed a hand on her forehead, muttered something softly, before kissing her forehead and leaving. When Mo awakened, she never saw her aunt again except for a letter. That was when all her problems started. [/hider] [hider=Ghost FAQs] + What are ghosts? Simply put, ghosts are the spirits or souls of dead humans and animals. + What do they look like? They vary differently in terms of how they look, from bright wispy shapes to hauntingly life-like to just plain essence. They can choose to alter their appearance from being invisible, a wisp, or human but they can't change their gender, the age they died as, the type of ghost they are, and the color of their aura. If they choose to appear as humans, their skin will be the colored bluish grey and the color of the clothes they died in won't change. Some even choose to look like how they died. + What are the types of ghosts? [hider=Click to know more] Spirits - They are the souls of the dead. They're generally harmless. They can choose to wander around or stay in one place. They have the ability to appear in photographs and reflections in mirrors. They don't have auras. Kindred - They are mostly the ghosts of deceased loved ones. They'll emit a faint familiar smell or do something that they're known for while living to remind their families that they're there. If you were very kind and compassionate when you were living, you'll most likely end up as a Kindred. They can emit positive energy at the place they're in. Their auras are colored white or yellow. Poltergeists - They are powerful spirits that can control the physical environment like making loud noises or throwing inanimate objects around. If you have a strong connection to the supernatural while you were living, you can end up as a Poltergeist. Their auras are colored light green. Furies - They are powerful spirits who have the ability to cause immense feelings of anger to the people around them. They were so full of rage when they were living that they continued to carry it even as ghosts. If you end up suddenly feeling angry out of nowhere, that's the work of a Fury. Their auras are colored red. Glooms - They look like shadows that formed as humans and are considered one of the most dangerous types of ghosts. They latch on to the happiest living human they could find and suck the positive energy out of him, making him feel emotionally empty until he doesn't have the will to live anymore. That person then becomes another Gloom. Their auras are colored dark violet. Corrupted - These are the ghosts of people who joined satanic cults, dabbled in demonic magic, or made a deal with a demon. They can also be the ghosts of innocent people who were used as a sacrifice or medium to summon a demonic being. A Corrupted has dark grey skin and pure black eyes. They emit negative energy at any place they're in. Their auras are colored black. Dreamers - These are ghosts that can only appear in someone's dreams while they're sleeping. They feed off the dreams of those who are sleeping, which is why you always forget 90% of your dream when you wake up. They can also choose to give you sweet dreams or nightmares. They appear as greyish mists. Incubi/Succubi - They are ghosts that are driven by immense feelings of lust. They have the power to make anyone near them feel horny and they're also one of the few types of ghosts who can change forms based on their gender. They can also have sex with the soul of a sleeping human in their dreams, feeding off their psycho-sexual energy. Their true forms are unknown but they have pink-colored auras. Will-o'-The-Wisps - These are ghosts who take the forms as spheres of light. Some could even appear as floating orbs of heatless fire. These are the spirits of those who went missing, that's why they are mostly seen by travelers in mountains, forests, bogs, and swamps. They help those who have lost their way to the outside of a forest, mountain, etc. They are also known to guide people and lead them to their true calling. They are bright blue in color. [/hider] + Why do they exist? Every living being on Earth has a soul. It was even believed by ancient civilizations that inanimate objects also had souls, even the celestial bodies like the sun and moon. More importantly though: if you're a living, breathing organism, you definitely have a soul. + Why are they here? People most likely believe that ghosts can move on to the Afterlife whenever they wanted. It's believed that some ghosts choose not to move on because they either have some unfinished business, they're bound here and cannot move on even though they want to for whatever reason, they haven't even realized they're dead yet and they're refusing to believe their time on earth is over, or they really just choose not to move on. + What is the Afterlife? The Afterlife is a place where a ghost is supposed to go when they die. Nobody knows what it looks like except for those who moved on. Once you moved on to the Afterlife, you can't go back to the world of the living except for reincarnation where the memories of your past life will be erased and you'll be reborn as an entirely new being. [hider=Types of Afterlife] Heaven - This is the place where mostly good people go to. It's also called the Light. Hell - It's where very bad people go to get punished until the end of time. It's also called the Dark. Twilight - This is where bad people go to when they don't want to go to Hell but can't enter Heaven. They'll gradually lose all their memories until they're reduced to blank spirits, aimlessly wandering through Twilight for all eternity. It's also called the Grey. [/hider] + Should I be scared of ghosts? Not really. Almost all of the humans on Earth have no ability to sense or see the spirit of the dead. If you're one of them then continue to live your life the way you want. Ignorance is bliss. + How can I talk to ghosts? There is the most famous ritual called the ouija board. There's also a bunch of other rituals that you can follow, but be warned. If you talk to the dead, ALL of them can hear you. + How do I know if there are ghosts nearby? You can feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. You can also feel a sudden drop in temperature where you are or the feeling of something heavy on your chest. + Do ghosts follow rules? - They can't possess a living human's body unless the person's soul is out of their physical body. - They can't possess a corpse. - They can choose to reincarnate from Heaven and Hell but not from Twilight. Even so, ghosts in Hell must be earnest in repenting for their sins before having the right to be reincarnated. - They can't directly harm a living being. [/hider]