Penelope nodded her head as Crow agreed to her compromise. She was glad they were at least on the same page. Once again, she couldn't help but feel a strong desire to accompany him on the trip to Younis, especially now that he had revealed there was likely a mercenary in the inner kingdom. However, the knight knew she couldn't get out of the duties that laid on the warfront so as much as she disliked it, she pushed away the lingering desire. As Crow took her hand, she intertwined their fingers. "Yeah. He didn't seem pleased with us leaving in the first place." she mused as she thought about the baron. He may not have been as hot tempered as someone like William or her brother but the knight could tell he didn't want to waste any time. And personally, she didn't feel like pushing it with the baron, who likely wasn't overly pleased by her sudden appearance to begin with. He was a hard man to read though so it was impossible for her to say for sure. Regardless, the knight began to lead the way back to the group. Taking the few moments alone that they had left, she shifted to walk closer to his side, letting their arms brush as they walked. With the unnerving news that Crow had revealed, Penelope took comfort in having him so close. Since they hadn't traveled very far, it took the two no time to return back to the group, who was clearly waiting for them. Otto and his son were already mounting their horses while Percy prepared his and Preston packed away leftovers. Naida was the only one not on her feet and was sitting near Percy, chatting rather one sidedly with the male knight until her gaze caught sight of the couple approaching. With more favorable company, she stepped away from her comrade and grinned. "Oh good you guys are back! Now we can get going!"