The next morning, Cas was awoken by the jarring sound of his phone ringtone. He groaned and pulled his comforter over his head, internally debating whether he should answer the cursed device or throw it across the room. Having gone to bed so late in the night, he had been hoping to sleep in until closer to noon. However, judging by the soft light coming in through his bedside window, it was still sometime in the morning. The phone rang again, and he hissed a curse under his breath, wondering who would be trying to reach him at this time of the day. Mustering what strength he had, the prince sat up on his mattress and leaned back on one palm as he tiredly rubbed his eyes. Whoever was on the other end of the phone was still pestering him with yet a third call, but he took his time waking up rather than answering it right away. If the caller was going to be so rude as to wake him up at—he glanced at the digital clock on the wall—nine thirty in the morning, then he was going to make them wait before he responded. Just as the third ring was about to go to voicemail, he swiped the phone from the table and lifted it to his ear without bothering to check the caller ID. [color=#b97703]“This had better be important,”[/color] he growled into the receiver. Usually, he was far more patient with other people, but he’d never been a morning person. That paired with the exceeding late night he’d had taking calls from security had left him in a grumpy mood. [i]Oh my god, you’re alive,[/i] Miles’s voice transmitted through the other end of the line. [color=#b97703]“Of course I’m alive,”[/color] Cas pinched the bridge of his nose, hoping for his friend’s sake that Miles didn’t wake him up just to state the obvious. [color=#b97703]“What are you going on about?”[/color] [i]What do you mean ‘what am I going on about’? It’s all over the news![/i] Miles replied excitably. [i]Every jumbo tron in the city is broadcasting that the palace was attacked by terrorists. The reporters said there still hasn’t been much info released yet, so I’ve been trying to get ahold of you to make sure you hadn’t died.[/i] [color=#b97703]“I wasn’t there when it happened,”[/color] Cas yawned, sliding down from his bed in reluctant acceptance that he would have to get up for the day. [color=#b97703]“And before you ask, everyone else is fine too. I’m sure the reporters will tell you the same thing as soon as they have clearance to start releasing more details.”[/color] [i]That’s a relief,[/i] Miles sighed. There was a pause on his end before he added. [i]So, um… do you think this has anything to do with the chick you found in the woods?[/i] Caspian froze in the middle of unbuttoning the shirt he’d worn overnight. [color=#b97703]“What do you mean?”[/color] [i]Well… This is the first time rebels have gotten inside the palace, right? It just seems fishy that it happened right after—[/i] [color=#b97703]“This has nothing to do with Iris,”[/color] the prince interrupted and then winced at the defensiveness in his own voice. Going on more placidly, he explained, [color=#b97703]“She was with me in the historic district when the terrorists broke in. There’s no way she could have been part of it, or I would know.”[/color] [i]The historic district?[/i] Cas could hear the amusement in his friend’s tone followed by a whistle. [i]You didn’t waste any time did you?[/i] [color=#b97703]“Shut up,”[/color] he said, though a blush blossomed on his cheeks. He was well aware that Miles knew that he’d used the historic district as a date spot before. [i]Did it work?[/i] The inevitable question came through the phone. Cas bit his tongue and then exhaled, [color=#b97703]“…Maybe.”[/color] [i]Atta boy, Cas,[/i] Miles laughed. [color=#b97703]“You’re incorrigible,”[/color] the prince rolled his eyes even though he knew the other high born couldn’t see him. Not wanting to discuss it any further when he still didn’t know exactly what was going on between him and Iris, he changed the topic. [color=#b97703]“Anyway, things are still tense around here, and I have more work to do. I should go.”[/color] [i]Okay,[/i] his friend accepted the excuse without question. [i]I’ll let Jay know you’re not dead. Later, Cas![/i] [color=#b97703]“Later,”[/color] he hung up the phone and dragged a hand through his hair in a stressed manner. The mention of doing more work may have been his out of the conversation, but there might have been some truth to it if his father was still in poor condition. He needed to find out how the king was doing that morning and brace himself for the possibility that he would have to continue heading the ongoing investigation with the security team if Atlas couldn’t do it yet. [color=#b97703][i]I need a coffee…[/i][/color] he thought wearily, throwing on a pair of comfortable joggers and a plain t-shirt before he headed out of his room.