[hider=Xcom: To the Biter End] [center][img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/vsbattles/images/a/a2/XCOM_Logo.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160523194233[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190314/5e41a78ed9aa4cd8425569292d99fad4.png[/img] [img]https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/project_modules/max_1200/585c0912370577.582d93704d08b.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190314/f23621f847a0bcfa428fd047fb273179.png[/img][/center][hr][hr] [quote][color=lightgray]"We thought we were on the verge of victory. We thought we had secured Humanity's future. We thought wrong."[/color][/quote] Humanity became aware of the alien menace as early as the mid 1960s. Japan was the first nation to form an official branch of their military, named the Kiryu-kai, dedicated solely to dealing with paranormal and extraterrestrial threats. It was disbanded after obtaining few victories and suffering many defeats. However, the tactics and advancements made during their brief existence paved the way for future efforts across the world. Depsite ending in failure, their achievements would lay down the foundations for the global organization code-named XCOM. Their initial purpose, much like the Kiryu-kai, was to investigate paranormal and extraterrestrial occurences. Unlike the Kiryu-kai, XCOM had jurisdiction across the globe with the support of number of powerful governments simply named "The Council" and wasn't fully militarized in the beginning. It took the effort of a number of brave agents to prove without a doubt that a hostile alien invasion was imminent. Between paranormal creatures and alien cults, XCOM had proven itself an effective tool against the unknown and was made a top priority for members of the council. Between 1992 and 2010, XCOM would have bases built on every major continent while continuing to counter an ever rising alien threat in the shadows. The start of 2011 saw a sudden resurgence of the alien cults XCOM had thought vanquished now supported by alien beings referred to as "thin men". It became evident that the invasion they had been preparing for was coming very soon. The vanguard of the alien invasion arrived on November 3rd, 2012 and attacked the capital city of Berlin, Germany. XCOM was quick to mobilize as the city quickly descended into chaos. This was XCOM's first encounter with the alien species known as "sectoids". Prior to this encounter, XCOM had little exposure to what later was discovered as psionic energy. Although with high casualties, XCOM managed to defeat this new threat but it was a small victory in the campaign ahead of them. The XCOM project was fully mobilized within the next 48 hours and was fully staffed by the end of the week. The greatest Humanity had to offer. It was not enough. Everytime a breakthrough was made or a major victory won, the alien invaders simply countered with more advanced soldiers and weapons. Everything changed when XCOM encountered the elders. Beings of potent psionic power that commanded the vast array of aliens. Information gained from autopsies and an interrogations lead to XCOM to develop its own psionically empowered soldiers with unexpected proficiency. Along with gene modification, these "super-soldiers" were Humanity's ace in the hole. Due to the high cost of each indiviual soldier, only a single squad was developed. The head of this squad was XCOM's most potent psiconic user and a highly experienced soldier. In response to this threat, a enormous UFO appeared in low orbit over the continental U.S. and with it Humanity was on the defensive once again. That was until the scientists as XCOM's HQ devised a way to board the gigantic vessel using the same psionic power the aliens used against Humanity. A squad consisting of XCOM's best soldiers, six genetically modified individuals and two cybernetically enhanced, assaulted the ship in the hopes of the taking down the alien leadership. It was a trap. While eight of XCOM's finest tore through the ship, Alien forces raided XCOM bases across the globe in overwhelming force. One by one they fell as Alien Battleships leveled cities and countries that would not bow to their rule. A year of brutal fighting was ended in just under two months. The majority of the council nations turned their back on the XCOM project and what remained of XCOM went into hiding. The alien flagship was destroyed and the fate of those eight soldiers was unknown. The following two decades saw the establishment of several "mega-cities" These mega-cities were goverened by humanity's new alien overlords through the new organization known as ADVENT. Between the promise of safety, gene-therapy clinics, and new technology, people forgot who the true enemy was and bought into the lies of their new-found comfort believing the "Elders" to have Humanity's' best interests at heart. The Elders even convinced their subjects that XCOM were terrorists and enemies of progress. However, not all were so easily swayed and decided to live outside of ADVENT's jurisdiction. There was of course the remnants of XCOM commanded by Bradford who operated from a restored alien ship now called the "Avenger". Besides XCOM, a number of safe havens emerged around the world including three distinct factions called the Reapers, Skirmishers, and Templars. Each faction harboring deep resentment against the alien menace and their own ways of dealing with them. None of these factions put as much fear into the hearts of ADVENT as the Phantom Eight. This small splinter-group [/hider] [hider=Sample CS] Name: Age: (40 to 65) Birth-date: Place of Birth: Biography: Personality: Class: [/hider]