Carver kept rolling around on the ground in laughter while the other two walked away. After they were gone, she managed to get herself under control and got back to work. And much as she wanted to watch the train wreck continue with Barrel and Agatha, she couldn't get away with slacking off anymore and the witches might figure out she was up to something if she followed along, anyway. She'd get details from Shock, later. Agatha stepped into the shop, saw Aggie, furrowed her brow, glanced up at Shock, then back at Aggie... Then her face when so pale she could be compared to a slightly green-tinted vampire. "I-- It was-- There were--" she sputtered, trying simultaneously to find a reasonable excuse and to figure out exactly how she hadn't thought of the potential consequences of leaving. She looked at Barrel for help, but immediately realized... Right. [i]That[/i] was how. She blushed deeply and turned back to her aunt. "Umm... Carver wanted to buy some things to wash Barrel's clothes after a food fight, but I... thought it prudent to not sell her anything after... the last couple of times. I just... stepped out to cast a cleaning spell, but I forgot my components bag." "Prudent?" Agatha repeated with an icy pleasantness. "Are you able to be prudent from two places at once? I really [i]must[/i] learn that trick from you, dear. I would have thought it easier to simply call Agnes or myself to assist, rather than leaving our [i]guest[/i] unsupervised." Agatha ducked her head and quietly apologized. She wasn't brave enough to ask if Shock had tried anything while she was out, or how long she had been left alone for.