Barrel followed Agatha's gaze up to his sister, then back to Aggie. As he listened to Agatha explain, a grin slowly formed on his face, before a few giggles made their way up into full-on laughter. "Oh!" he exclaimed. "[I]That's[/i] why Carver was laughing!" His laughter was cut short when he realized the witches were staring at him. Even Shock gave him a side-eye. "...Oh. Um. She said she needed to borrow my hoodie," Barrel said, awkwardly. "I just didn't know [i]why[/i] until now." The detergent was clearly an excuse to leave Shock alone in the shop for some kind of mischief. A thoughtful expression crossed his face as he looked at the stained hoodie in Agatha's hands. "That also explains why she was so eager to buy me lunch." Shock smirked as she shot a knowing glance to Agatha. Her smirk widened when she shifted her gaze to Barrel, who was now in on her game. Her lovestruck pawn had moved [i]just[/i] how she wanted her to.