[center][h2][color=lightseagreen]Artemis[/color][/h2][color=orchid] [color=mediumturquoise][b]Time:[/b][/color] Noon [color=mediumturquoise][b]Location:[/b][/color] Outside of Malthemoor, Daka Island [color=mediumturquoise][b]Interaction:[/b][/color] [@FunnyGuy] Darius | [@13org] Myra[/color] [h3][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/610964561553522698/610976734258659379/up-divider.png?width=960&height=83[/img][/h3][/center] [color=lightsteelblue]The disappointment in the human’s face was not enough to darken Artemis’ mood. Rather, she understood. If she was able to meet her kind after not seeing then, she’d feel similar. It was in the moment she took to process Darius’ words that he began forming something in his hand. Oh no, what was going on? Was he attacking her? Did he work for the black market? Visible terror swept over her and she launched herself underwater without a word. The ball of water collided near her and she stared at it with wide eyes. She curled up under the water and wrapped her tail around herself much like a cat. After a few moments when no other attacks followed, Artemis slowly poked her head out of the water to stare at him with wide-eyes. Realizing he had just been kidding around, Artemis swallowed. [color=orchid]”S-S-Sorry,”[/color] Her voice quivered and she stared at his hands. [color=orchid]”I guess your power is hydromancy. What a convenience this is.”[/color] Her tone quipped slightly at the end. She glanced around the forest, thinking she heard movements, then stared back at him. [color=orchid]So, what castle were you talking about earlier? And why is a human like you, on Daka Island of all places in Avalia? Surely the city would be better for you than this dreadful land.”[/color] Artemis kept her body submerged as a precaution, and her tail just below the surface. She had noticed the Demoness eyeing it, so she didn’t want to ruin her peace. She kept an eye on both of them though, her muscles taut and ready to dive back under the water if necessary.[/color]