[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191215/833f2a604007d318a3c53d2aa91d8350.png[/img] [color=FF4D4D][b]Time: [/b][/color]Night [color=FF4D4D][b]Location: [/b][/color]Holiday Inn [color=FF4D4D][b]Interaction: [/b][/color][@Alivefalling] - Marceau[/center] [hr] Helene was not about to argue with the progenitor of all vampires so she decided to follow him, not once thinking of giving him the slip. [color=FF4D4D]"Very well, I shall follow your lead."[/color] She had never met a hunter in person before so she had no experience to draw from regarding their power, but if Marceau said it was dangerous for her it had to be true. They soon left the sketchy part of the town with Helene walking behind Marceau like an obedient child, her eyes scanning from side to side taking in the sights. If she presented no threat to the hunters that prowled Ember Grove, would they still seek her death? Helene wanted to believe they wouldn't but she had seen the reports gathered by the Sinclaire Foundation. Hunters were human, and humans killed other humans in cold-blood all the time. If shared humanity didn't stop humans from murdering each other, then it would be easier for them to kill someone like her. This depressing train thought showed in the somber look she had as they arrived at their destination. A place where humans purchased temporary residence usually during their travels. She reached out and took the card from Marceau, glancing it over as he finished talking. Once more, she gave a curtsy and lowered her head slightly [color=FF4D4D]"I am sincerely grateful, your grace."[/color] She then rose from her cursty [color=FF4D4D]"I shall call if I am ever in need. If you would excuse me, I will obtain a room now."[/color] The truth was she had already secured an apartment in town using her allocated wealth from the Sinclaire Foundation. After receiving Marceau's blessing to leave, she would depart for the Holiday Inn. The entire exchange had been so nerve-wracking for Helene that she swore she could feel her heat beating in her chest.