[i]Like a broken record[/i] Devin thought as his partner gave the same advice again and again. He figured he would get that answer, but didn't have the energy this morning to yet again explain that he in no way was recommending his partner actually date. My sister used to just go on a date cause she was expecting to be hungry for goodness sake. [b]"Detective Johnson these are tax player provided police issued equipment."[/b] Devin said in a loud voice so those around could hear. He then spoke normally [b]"Besides I made that mistake as a cadet. They are not forgiving with the activities you are referring to."[/b] He then gave a silly wink and added [b]"They may be cliche but the ones with the pink cuffs are actually surprising comfy. Haven't had any complaints since I got them. I think someone left them after last years Halloween party."[/b] [b]"Morning Captain!"[/b] Devin said as the man walked past them and gave them their instructions. He smiled as Harper asked if he wanted to drive. [b]"I might have to. People honk less when I drive."[/b] He said but he didn't grab the keys. Instead he looked at his phone and then frowned. There wasn't a text or call from Mia which could mean any number of things. Mia was the crime scene tech that he had been sort of dating for the past while but ended things a few days ago. [b]"Crap.."[/b] He said with a sigh. The fact that there was no text more than likely meant her team was working the scene and she was just waiting for him to arrive so she can ask yet again what went wrong. Needless to say it was not something that he wanted to do. Nothing went wrong until she asked if he wanted to meet her parents. Why is everyone always wanting relationships to move forward? Why can't people just be happy with them being fun? The two made their way to the elevator and started to ride it down to the garage where the units vehicles were parked. [b]"But seriously my hangover wont survive your driving. Let me get the keys."[/b] Devin said.