Some of the crew seemed hellbent on killing this creature and getting some well deserved rest... It would have been easier just to track the thing and save the galaxy from its sinister intentions; to do something somewhat respectable in their line of work. What his crew and the galaxy didn't know was that Raymond got to read its file. All the tests and torture it went through, Raymond read it in its entirety. Thanks to the Admiral he also got his hands on the black tapped recordings that not even the Committee wanted him to see. Just thinking about it now made the "M" that was burned onto his neck tingle. Deep down Raymond knew that if he was put in the situation of either killing the assassin or turning it in... He would have that sliver of hope. After all, the assassin shared some similarity with the whole crew in one way or another. [color=lightblue]"You can kill Torsq all you want. But it will be my pleasure to let you do the hours of extensive paper work, and give your case to the Council in a debrief that would take weeks... maybe months if you're lucky."[/color] Raymond stepped foot onto the hard dirt, and was immediately greeted by a slug-looking creature. "Welcome to Solela! It has been a while since an IEF vessel has landed here!" He looked over a gave a low whistle. "It's an older vessel... but luckily my station has the best fuel in the galaxy!" Raymond gave him a hollow smile and pulled out a few galactic credits. [color=lightblue]"She's a beauty. Fill her up, please."[/color] "Of course, sir! I also can't help but notice that with the embargo on the planet right now, that your ship will be here for a while. Can I interest you in directions to a hotel, or perhaps a maitenance upgrade on your ship? It will cost a little more, but my men are experts, and--" [color=lightblue]"With all due respect, I only trust my engineer with maintenance. Just a refueling will be fine... But you can help my crew and I in another way. We're looking for a cantina; some place that has a lot of excitement and good drinks."[/color] "That would be the Phoenix, sir! Best bar in the galaxy! Just exit through the doors, follow the main road, and it is on the left, right before the Grand Bazaar! You can't miss it!... oh, and there are people there that can treat you and your crew really well if you catch my meaning. They love the adventuring type." The slug-man grinned. Once again Raymond gave a hollow smile, and slipped him another stack of credits. [color=lightblue]"Appreciate it. Tango! You're in charge of the ship!"[/color] He motioned for his crew to follow him, and they were soon introduced to the crazy and exotic world of S07-1. The narrow sandy streets were littered of species of all shapes, sizes, and colors. You could barely walk, and vendors screaming to sell their goods. [color=lightblue]"Well shit... You guys ever heard of the saying 'needle in a haystack?' it's an Earth saying, but a loose translation means that we got our work cut out for us..."[/color] Raymond held up his wrist to see the device... nothing. With a sigh, the crew of the Monroe made their way through the crowd and found the Cantina they were looking for. As soon as Raymond entered he was hit by the reeking smell of tequila, and dirt. Once again Raymond was left looking for a needle in a haystack. [color=lightblue]"Alright, Josk. See if you can work your Satasi magic. See what you can find. Everyone do some digging too. See what we can find out with the locals. Any shady location, smuggling cove, anything that could help.[/color]