[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/5q0iKiaNgSFXLfZ8OF3I4mAnZgONiDkdQbzHeNmND4c/https/i.imgur.com/yOxwNT4.png[/img][/center] [hider=The Walloping Welshwoman] [hr][hr][h1][b][color=Orange][center]Fae Mintfree[/center][/color][/b][/h1][center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/RHE4kRRWJYq1ifjFQi/giphy.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][color=Orange][center]D O S S I E R[/center][/color][/b][/h3] [b][color=Orange]Name:[/color][/b] Fae Folke Mintfree [b][color=Orange]Aliases:[/color][/b] The Walloping Welshwoman, Number 4, Mintfree [b][color=Orange]Age:[/color][/b] 16 [b][color=Orange]Birthday:[/color][/b] April 22nd, 1968 [b][color=Orange]Birth Place:[/color][/b] Rhoscolyn, Holy Island, Anglesey, Wales [b][color=Orange]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=Orange]Blood Status:[/color][/b] Pureblood (both parents are wizards) [b][color=Orange]House / Year:[/color][/b] Gryffindor / 5th Year [b][color=Orange]Alignment:[/color][/b] Chaotic Good [b][color=Orange]Wand:[/color][/b] Holly, Veela Hair, 14”, Stiff [hr][center][img]https://media2.giphy.com/media/gfTsImGj2fDZGDFl50/source.gif[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][color=Orange][center]A P P E A R A N C E[/center][/color][/b][/h3] [b][color=Orange]Height:[/color][/b] 5’7 [b][color=Orange]Weight:[/color][/b] 190 lbs [b][color=Orange]Build:[/color][/b] Athletic [b][color=Orange]Eyes:[/color][/b] Dark Brown [b][color=Orange]Hair:[/color][/b] Dark Brown, Short [b][color=Orange]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] Pale [b][color=Orange]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color][/b] Extremely calloused hands, a few scars on her arms and legs. [b][color=Orange]Typical Outfit:[/color][/b] Unsurprisingly, Fae tends to prefer wearing pants over skirts when it comes to her uniform. Her school clothes are primarily unedited, and are only unique in their grubbiness. Her cloak is torn up around the bottom, and it, along with her old boots and the cuffs of her jeans, are caked with mud. The knees of her pants are scuffed up and grass stained, but have a shocking lack of holes. The top half of her uniform is mostly in good condition, though it’s rarely put together well. Her shirt is often wrinkly, and her tie is never straight, or even completely tightened around her neck. When not in her school clothes, Fae wears mostly leggings and t-shirts. Most of her shirts are either concert shirts, many from Weird Sisters concerts, or are Holyhead Harpies shirts, one of which is actually signed. She also, depending on the weather, wears a leather jacket. Not putting too much stock in her appearance, Fae rarely wears much make-up, unless it’s a special occasion or a concert, in which case, she’ll put on dark make-up. [hr][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a7/3e/93/a73e93f4067bb507d822a06f94b7193f.gif[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][color=Orange][center]P S Y C H O L O G Y[/center][/color][/b][/h3] [color=Orange][center]Brave ◇ Arrogant ◇ Loyal ◇ Spiteful ◇ Heroic ◇ Headstrong[/center][/color] It’s been said jokingly by many of her friends and enemies that Fae Mintfree would challenge the Whomping Willow to a fist fight if she thought that the tree stood a chance at winning. And while it is an exaggeration, the sentiment is entirely accurate. Fae is brash and overconfident, believing that, despite her inaptitude for magic, her physical strength means she can get away with doing things most people can’t. This mindset can often get her into trouble, causing her to cross lines where her strength doesn’t help her. But her tendency to rush in head-first, as it often does, comes hand in hand with undeniable bravery. She won’t think twice about putting herself in danger, especially if it means helping another, though you can expect her to be a bit of a cocky twat about it. And while her egotistical reactions to her heroic impulses might lead one to believe she’s in it for glory and praise, they’re actually just that: impulses. She doesn’t know who she does good, it’s just the first thing that comes to her. Other than that, she’s what one might call a jock. She loves a good time, and is a people person, always enjoying being doted over by those around her. Part of her feeds off validation, and her lack of shits to give personality is contradicted by her need for popularity. [b][color=Orange]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Homosexual [b][color=Orange]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] A few flings, but nothing serious [b][color=Orange]Fatal Flaw:[/color][/b] Recklessness [b][color=Orange]Hobbies:[/color][/b] [list] [*]Flying [*]Hanging with People [*]Pranks [*]Partying[/list] [b][color=Orange]Patronus:[/color][/b] Red-Tailed Hawk [b][color=Orange]Animagus:[/color][/b] Cassowary [b][color=Orange]Amortentia:[/color][/b] Pine trees, a freshly polished broom, and cooked turkey. [b][color=Orange]Mirror of Erised:[/color][/b] Herself in a Hollyhead Harpy uniform, surrounded by teammates, with a trophy in one hand and a pen in the other as she signs a picture of herself and gives it to a little girl. [b][color=Orange]Boggart:[/color][/b] Herself splayed out on the floor, her spine broken, screaming about how she can’t feel her body. [b][color=Orange]Dementor:[/color][/b] An array of her brother's worst cruelties. [hr][center][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/MeOwdZ6qi1V6OC4qBk/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][color=Orange][center]M A G I C a n d K E E P S A K E S[/center][/color][/b][/h3] [b][color=Orange]Core Classes:[/color][/b] [i][/i]. [list][*]Astronomy - 2 [*]Charms - 1 [*]Defense Against the Dark Arts - 2 [*]Herbology - 2 [*]History of Magic - 1 [*]Potions - 3 [*]Transfiguration - 2 [/list] [b][color=Orange]Electives:[/color][/b] [list] [*]Care of Magical Creatures - 3 [*]Muggle Studies - 4 [*]Advanced Flying - 5 [/list] [b][color=Orange]Talents:[/color][/b] [list][*]Expert Quidditch Player [*]Athletics [*]Physical Combat [/list] [b][color=Orange]Possessions:[/color][/b] [list][*][url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/34/71/e0/3471e0266f9960f982a71fdab110d628.jpg]Wand[/url] [*]Bag containing school supplies and her beater bat [*]Slap Bracelet Collection [*]Sunglasses [*]A small pouch of Sickles [/list] [b][color=Orange]Dormitory:[/color][/b] [list][*][url=https://bw-1651cf0d2f737d7adeab84d339dbabd3-gallery.s3.amazonaws.com/images/image_1291566/file_1291566.jpg]Dickhead the Owl[/url] [*]Broomstick - Lucky, a well-crafted broom custom-made for her by her father. It’s made from red oak, and has its name inscribed in the handle. While it may not be quite as fast as some of the more recent brooms that have come out, it's stability is undeniable. Once it's in the air, getting it out of the air is a difficult feat. This stubbornness, however, extends past just the broom's capabilities. Lucky seems to have a mind of its own, a fact that Fae has gotten used to, but doesn’t particularly understand. It will occasionally ignore Fae’s commands, instead opting to do what it thinks is best. [*]A slightly dusty copy of Quidditch Through the Ages, with a bookmark sticking out not too far past page one [*]A signed Holyhead Harpies poster [*]Broomstick Servicing Kit [*]Photograph of her and her father at a Harpies V. Wanderers Quidditch game [*]Quidditch ball set [*]Quidditch uniform [/list] [hr][center][img]https://media0.giphy.com/media/hqNn4THJkZiEJLULSJ/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][color=Orange][center]H I S T O R Y[/center][/color][/b][/h3] [b][color=Orange]How did you come into your magic:[/color][/b] As is the case with most pure blood families, Fae’s magic was very much expected. But it took a bit longer than expected for it to show. After around age six or seven, they began to fear she might be a squib. But then, at age ten, her magic finally showed itself. Everyone was around the dinner table, and her brother made a snide comment directed at her. Usually, she’d have just decked him, but with the rest of the family around, she held herself back. But she couldn’t hold her magic back, as it shattered the boy’s glasses from meters away. [b][color=Orange]General History:[/color][/b] Fae came from what people might call a humble upbringing. She was born in a small village in Wales to a lower class family. Her father, Benjamin Mintfree, was an independent broomsmith from Scotland, much like his father, and his father before him. His passion was making brooms, but with the mass production of brooms at its prime, there was little demand for his, which were admittedly more expensive. He primarily made money fixing and tuning up brooms, and even that wasn't a particularly stable career. Which left Fae's mother, a court reporter named Evalyn, to be the main breadwinner of the family. As far back as she could remember, Fae had always been her father’s daughter. She was a rascally young girl, always coming home dirty with skinned up knees, the standard uniform for mischievous children. That whimsy enchanted the old broomsmith, reminding him of how he’d once been. But her mother, a no-nonsense woman who expected constant sobriety in her presence, was less charmed by the roguish little girl. Miss Evalyn Mintfree much preferred Fae’s older brother, Puck. Contrary to Fae, Puck showed proficiency with magic at a particularly young age, younger than most. It was this that pulled Evalyn’s attention to him. Even before Hogwarts, he’d been brought up to be that miracle that pulled the Mintfree family out of their poverty. He’d been raised in almost militaristic fashion by his mother. While Fae and their father were out at Quidditch games, he’d be in, studying. While on her tenth birthday, Fae received her first broomstick, he received a stack of books. But it paid off when he got to Hogwarts. The boy was a bonafide genius. He rose above his classmates, becoming one of, if not the, most skilled wizards in his year. On his visits home, he’d often use the magic he’d learned to, on the best of days, prank her, and on the worst of days, downright torment her. She, being a young girl without magic or training, couldn’t figure out how to retaliate. She’d often tell her father, but that’d always turn into a battle between him and Evalyn, a battle he’d usually lose. But eventually she figured out that she didn’t need magic. She was a relatively tall girl for her age, and he was a relatively small boy for his, so she found that she could fight back with her fists. His tricks became less frequent after that. But even with her newly found talent for violence, Fae was excited when she got her letter to Hogwarts. She thought it’d be fun to give her brother a taste of his own medicine. And she wasn’t the only one expecting big things from her time there. Many knew of her brother’s talent, and expected her to be the same. But unfortunately, she found in her first year at Hogwarts, magic was vastly difficult for her. Often when she read the books or tried to cast the spells, they’d get mixed up in her mind. And it wasn’t just with the magic. She’d had the same problem back home, but she’d written it off as something that’d go away as she grew older. But it didn’t. It made Hogwarts a thousand times more difficult. It was hard for her to studies, and sometimes, the words of the spells would come out of her mouth differently than she’d meant them to. It caused her to fail her first year of Hogwarts, and, much to her mother’s disappointment and anger, she was held back. But with hard work and a Ravenclaw tutor, she managed to push through her second attempt, and pushed through each year after that. Much of the time she didn’t enjoy it, but it all became worth it when, in her third year, she made the Quidditch team. Ever since her first Holyhead Harpies game, she’d wanted to play, and she’d started flying at a young age, so it was only natural for her to try out. And despite being younger than much of her competition, she got in. Her position, unsurprisingly, given her favorite sibling pastime, was Beater. Once she was on the team, things started going uphill. She found herself receiving the spotlight she’d lost when she disappointed everyone with her inaptitude for magic. People were watching her, wanted to be with her, wanted to be her. That only grew as time went on. She loves it, seeing it as a preview of what it will be like to be a Harpy. [hr][center][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/d11518829885788a4dba19316784cc46/tumblr_pt3n07FivP1x0lf5no6_500.gifv[/img][/center][hr][h3][b][color=Orange][center]E X T R A S[/center][/color][/b][/h3] [b][color=Orange]Character Quote:[/color][/b] “Bein’ a Beater’s not just a position. It’s a lifestyle, innit?” [b][color=Orange]Theme Song:[/color][/b] [url= https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YonvSeaOexo]I’m So Horny and Angry All the Time[/url] [b][color=Orange]Anything Else:[/color][/b] Probably Ravenclaw, but one of the lazy ones [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/176039-the-gifted-mutantandproud/ic?page=18#post-4990692]Anxious Girl Finds Out Stylish Gay Coworker Killed Her Mom[/url] [sub][color=ed1c24]*By submitting this CS in its completion I am stating I have read all the rules for this Rp and am agreeing to follow them to the fullest with respect and courtesy. I acknowledge that I can and will be removed from the RP without warning if I break a rule or cause problems with my fellow Rpers or the GM.[/color][/sub] [/hider] [hider=Relations] [center][hr][hr][h1][b][color=FFDF00]R E L A T I O N S[/color][/b][/h1][hr][h2][b][color=orange]F A E M I N T F R E E[/color][/b][/h2][img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/6ea853c798c4f6e354f046a9d67d5bfb/tumblr_pt9dtmPVHM1yqu1v7o1_500.gif[/img] [color=orange]"Character Quote"[/color][hr][hr]⟢ 🎆Respects ⟡ 🌓Neutral ⟡ 👋Acquaintance ⟡ 🙇It's Complicated ⟣ ⟢ ⭐Likes ⟢ 💛Friend ⟡ 💙Good Friends ⟡ 💜Best Friends ⟡ ❣️Ex-Friends ⟡ 😈Frienemy ⟣ ⟢ 💘Infatuation ⟡ 💓Loves ⟡ 💗Couple ⟡ 💕Basically Family ⟡ 💞Family ⟡ 💔Ex-Lovers ⟣ ⟢ ♨️Tense ⟡ 💀Dislikes ⟡ 😡Hates ⟡ 👿Enemy ⟡ 👹Absolutely Loathes ⟣[hr][hr][h3][b][color=fff200]Hufflepuff[/color][/b][/h3][hr] 👋 [b][color=gold]Artemis Harrington[/color][/b] 👋 [i]"The guy's got some righteous party tricks!"[/i][/center][list][*]Fae's hung out with Artemis before, mainly at social gatherings and the like, but they aren't quite friends. [*]Run in similar extroverted groups.[/list][center] [hr] 👋 [b][color=F0B6E5]Georgina Locke[/color][/b] 👋 [i]"I mostly just know her as a Seeker, but she's good at what she does."[/i][/center][list][*]Fae doesn't know much about Georgina, other than that she's the Hufflepuff seeker and friends with a few of her own friends. [*]Fae's considered chatting up Georgina, but she's heard that the girl doesn't swing her way.[/list][center] [hr] 💘 [b][color=yellow]Penny Haywood[/color][/b] 💘 [i]"Nice, blonde, pretty, popular. What's not to like?"[/i][/center][list][*]Penny's sort of the epitome of Fae's type: conventionally attractive, compassionate, and well-liked. [*]Fae doesn't particularly know Penny that well, but she wants to change that.[/list][center] [hr][h3][b][color=0072bc]Ravenclaw[/color][/b][/h3][hr] 💛 [b][color=6699FF]Apollo Harrington[/color][/b] 💛 [i]"Bit of a dweeb, but he's ace in more ways than one."[/i][/center][list][*]Despite their contrasting personalities, Fae and Apollo get along well enough. [*]They're sort of second-hand friends, having met through Maddy and Mary. [*]Fae's heard a rumor that he can tie a cherry stem with his tongue, and she's determined to figure out if it's true.[/list][center] [hr] 💙 [b][color=3333ff]Mary Winthrop[/color][/b] 💙 [i]"You mean the smartest girl in Hogwarts?"[/i][/center][list][*]Mary tutors Fae, and it's because of her that Fae's still in school. [*]While one could argue that Mary's not the smartest girl in Hogwarts as Fae claims, it probably wouldn't be a good idea to do so around Fae. [*]Fae hasn't caught onto any feelings other than friendship the girl might have.[/list][center] [hr] 👿 [b][color=AF2AFF]Zelda Flynn[/color][/b] 👿 [i]"Most of the Ravenclaws I know are pretty bitchin'. Zelda's just a bitch."[/i][/center][list][*]Fae thinks Zelda is just another privileged rich kid who thinks she has the right to be a bully. [*]Zelda reminds Fae of her brother. [*]Fae is sometimes hit with the desire to hit the girl in the face, even when she's not even around.[/list][center] [hr][h3][b][color=007236]Slytherin[/color][/b][/h3][hr] 💀 [b][color=41700D]Paige Atwell[/color][/b] 💀 [i]"Just because she got into Maddy's pants doesn't mean I have to like her."[/i][/center][list][*]Fae never met Paige for just Paige. Before she ever met Paige, she learned about Paige's friendship with Zelda and her disliking of Mary, meaning friendship, in her mind, was never an option. [*]Fae will often tease Maddy about her 'secret Slytherin girlfriend'. [*]Fae still thinks that Paige's friendship with Maddy is some sort of long con.[/list] [hr] [center]💜 [b][color=limegreen]Elizabeth Flame[/color][/b] 💜 [i]"If you're looking for a good time, Flame's your girl."[/i][/center][list][*]Elizabeth and Fae are like fire and gasoline: they probably shouldn't be around each other, but they're so fun, and, I mean, what's the worst that could happen, right? [*]Elizabeth and Fae are party friends, and could arguably be labeled as enablers for one another. [*]While the two may flirt, there's a mutual understanding that there are no romantic feelings present. [/list][center] [hr] 💀 [b][color=green]Merula Snyde[/color][/b] 💀 [i]"I will eventually punch her. It's only a matter of time."[/i][/center][list][*] It's not a burning hatred, Fae just thinks Merula's annoying. [*]She sees Merula less as a bully and more as a nuisance.[/list] [center][hr][h3][b][color=ed1c24]Gryffindor[/color][/b][/h3][hr] 💜 [b][color=7FFFD4]Madalyne Crane[/color][/b] 💜 [i]"Good beater's have gotta be completely in sync. And Maddy and I are good beaters."[/i][/center][list][*]Their relationship was rocky at the beginning, with the pair competing for the spot of beater, but when they both got it, the became close friends. [*]Maddy keeps a cooler head than Fae, and often times she's what keeps Fae out of trouble. [*]Maddy's the only person, including Fae, that Dickhead the Owl tolerates.[/list][center] [hr] 👋 [b][color=red]Bill Weasley[/color][/b] 👋 [i]"Smart kid."[/i][/center][list][*]Fae doesn't know much about Bill, but respects his intelligence. [/list][center] [hr] [/center] [/hider]