[I]"What? Why are you two looking at me like that?"[/i] Harper blinked, [b]"We were engaged.. Gee.. Thanks for listening to me for the last two years."[/b] And with a roll of her pretty green eyes, she flicked her focus to the body. "Looks a little like overkill to me. I'm guessing it's someone that he knows. Some sort of beef. It's definitely not a simple hit." When Joel came over, the Detective gave the dude a brief and curt nod, before ducking under the tape to talk to Jordan some more. She needed to get a little look at the nearby area. Get a feel for the situation. That sorta' thing was surprisingly crucial in piecing it all together. As she was glancing at the floor of the parking lot, Harps mind wandered to, of all people - Devin. More accurately, that rather ill advised, and incredibly drunken night that they'd shared. It was probably dangerous to think about it now, but she couldn't stop herself. Her hormones were just all over the place. Hormones, head.. Common sense. Everything was all over the place. Maybe she should buy a bloody dress. She was single, after all. Couldn't be a bitter Ex forever, and truth be told - Joel had never really felt like the [I]one.[/i] More of the, one right now. New York was full of single, not asshole like guys. Right? [I]Right.[/i] Jordan was actually the only other person that knew.. Not that Devin knew that she knew. Some things were just between girls. "Jordan, what's with the lack of blood? Were some of the shots post mortem? I'm sorta' confused.." Harper chewed the end of her pen, "Was he definitely shot here?"